Windows 7 not assigning NookColor a drive letter


Feb 21, 2011
I've got a nookColor, rooted and I've installed Zeam on it, looks pretty sweet. When I connect it to my computer, nothing. No drive letter is assigned. I opened device manager with my NC disconnected, then connected it, and it's being recognized as an Android Phone -> Android ADB device. My wife's rooted NC does not have this problem on my computer. Please help, as I cannot get Calibre to recognize my nook now.
Have you tried using a different USB jack? Its sounds ridiculous, but you would be amazed that sometimes silly stuff like that works.

You may have to enable usb debugging in the tools (of course, I can't remember where that is right now) ***venturing a guess and saying this is your issue
I've got a nookColor, rooted and I've installed Zeam on it, looks pretty sweet. When I connect it to my computer, nothing. No drive letter is assigned. I opened device manager with my NC disconnected, then connected it, and it's being recognized as an Android Phone -> Android ADB device. My wife's rooted NC does not have this problem on my computer. Please help, as I cannot get Calibre to recognize my nook now.

What version are you running, I assume just autonooter and stock B&N since you didn't say anything about a custom ROM yet. As Darmeen suggested, a different port might do it, or you need to enable USB debugging which should be in Settings-->Applications-->Development-->USB Debugging (you want it turned on)
I actually deleted the driver, unplugged my nook, plugged it back in, and it's working fine. Of course I haven't tried to do anything via the android o/s so I'll post back if I have any future troubles. Thanks for the advice!