Windows media player


Sep 2, 2011
I have the windows media player and my pc synched up and am able to play music that is stored on my pc on my epad. I would like to be able to play music that is streamed on a web site but can`t bring up the windows media player to do that. Would someone be able to help me with this?
Do you mean the Media Player on the Tablet? There is no Windows Media player for Android. If you want a player that will play music from the web, take a look at the Google Music Beta player, if you need an invite send me a PM, I have a couple invites left.
Thanks for the info. pbrauer. I will take a look at that, if i need a invite I will contact you.
Google music is a cloud player (all your music is stored on Google's servers and is streamed when you want to play it). If this is what you mean by playing music from the web, then I also suggest Amazon MP3. That's the same idea as google music without requiring invitation.

If, however, what you mean is playing music from a link or player on a website, then either the android media player will open automatically or if the site is using a flash player and your tablet has flash installed, then you can simply play directly from the flash player on the site.
In my searching for players I came across shoutcast radio which runs on flash. It plays fine on the web site I was interested in. There are also many stations listed in it`s directory.