Wits A81E/G - ethernet connection to router?


Dec 14, 2010
Hi guys

I cant seem to get connected to the internet via my router other than by wifi.
I have a USB to RJ45 adapter and have selected ethernet in the options and deselected wifi but still no joy.:confused: and did a reboot, I have adroid 2.2 running.
My router is ok works fine with my PC and wifi to my Wits A81 but not over the ethernet?

Anyhelp guys?

Take care, bye
Davawt, UK
If you are talking about trying to use a PC USB Ethernet connector, it will not work. The A81-E must have the driver and configuration installed by the Firmware maker. As far as I am aware, this has not been done. And also, unless your device came with an Ethernet interface as part of your A81, it will not work that way either. The USB active port is built for 3GModem and storage, not Bluetooth or Ethernet connectivity.
Cheers Gurgle

I only asked cus there is a ethernet setting part in the settings area of my Wits A81.
Which I thought related to RJ45 type LAN connections which is what my router has.
Cus the settings are there I wonder if someone will write the drivers?
Anyway have a great christmas and new year.

Take care, bye