WIZTAB 7.03 - Charger replacement


Jan 9, 2013
I bought a Wiztab 7.03 for my son for Christmas. It's been working fine, but this morning it won't charge. Hopefully it's a problem with the charger as it does seem loose at the end. Does anyone know how I can get a replacement charger??

Hi Splorge

I am having the exact same problem, did you get sorted and if so how? its a pain, as this was supposed to be for my son's birthday and not only was it late in being delivered and we only received it on Friday just gone and now it won't charge. Same thing as you with charge being loose at the end :( I have phoned them and they advised they will get back to me in 3-5 working days. Cheers :)
But there 3-5 working days convert in almost one month. you should go there and put pressure to replace the bad charger. because i had to go 10 to 12 time in a month to replacement my bed replacement.
