WM8650 China Telecom Infotmic M7206 Tablet


Dec 27, 2011
I received this tablet last week and it was amazing! I loaded some great apps, some cool games, was trying to get my external hard drive that was connected to my router to map to a tablet folder... etc. I have purchased a few of the WM8650 and this was the first of them running Android 3.3.3 and it was an outstanding change from the poor Android 2.2 the other ones have!

Well the battery died the other night and I went to turn it back on and (as it normally did) the word "Android" in green come on the screen and then the screen changed with a cursor in the top left of the screen (for a millisecond) preceded by a small white "Android" with a blinking cursor in the middle of the screen. Then it would load the main interface page. BUT NOW, since the battery died, it gets as far as the small "Android" in white lettering screen, then disappears and all I get is a black screen. The tablet appears is still on and running. Can someone help?

I have tried the reset on the side of the tablet, nothing, I have also tried various ways of holding the power button for 5 sec and combination of the power button and the volume up and down, nothing! I am not too savvy on reinstalling the software, but I downloaded a few ROM zip files, unzipped them, put the unzipped files on my microsd, put the micro sd into the tablet, and I do not get anything, just the same normal green "Android" word screen followed, by the white "Android_"

Where do I go? What do I do? I can not find the ROM with the Android 3.3.3 that corresponds with my tablet anywhere. From what I have read I have a newer version of the software for this tablet. Anyone have any thoughts? Can someone explain to me what I have? Most of all can anyone help me to get this tablet to load again?

-Mr. Frustrated
i'm new to this too but I have been reading a lot. I think you need to make your micro sd bootable. there is software for that.
Guys this is a M7206 tablet I have the files for it shoot me your email and Ill send instructions. This is not a WM8650 the processor on this one is IMAP X210 made by Infotmic chinese company. This tablet has battery issues and we are trying to solve them. The tablet has phone.apk and the cell standby consumes 80 to 81% of the battery power. I have tried rooting it with gingerbreak and removing phone and other useless apps from system/app folder with root explorer. I downloaded root explorer and gingerbreak from file crop dot com.

Shoot me an email for anything you need or my msn wooziepr69 at hot mail dot com
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To reset this tablet, after pushing the reset button with a pin, switch on and go to settings, find privacy (under accounts & sinc) and press on factory reset. worked for me. good luck guys.
i would like to root it. My model says m7206#87 , release gri40, kernel -infotm

Thank you
Are there any updates for the m7206 model (m7206 #87, android 2.3.3, kernel, build # GRI40).

Can cell standby be turned off? If that is not neccessary for wifi then it might save battery time.
Good Evening, recently wandered through the forums and stumbled upon this topic, and your comment on it and I wanted to know more about Tablet PC MID m7206 and in particular about the firmware on it, because I think the system to change its Chinese plate, but nothing is not normal found on him. I think you will not refuse to help. If possible, it is desirable materials in Russian, and even more desirable in the Russian firmware, and recently wanted to change seats with Android on a Windows system, if you can - Help

Sorry for the English, helped Google
Good Evening, recently wandered through the forums and stumbled upon this topic, and your comment on it and I wanted to know more about Tablet PC MID m7206 and in particular about the firmware on it, because I think the system to change its Chinese plate, but nothing is not normal found on him. I think you will not refuse to help. If possible, it is desirable materials in Russian, and even more desirable in the Russian firmware, and recently wanted to change seats with Android on a Windows system, if you can - Help
Guys this is a M7206 tablet I have the files for it shoot me your email and Ill send instructions. This is not a WM8650 the processor on this one is IMAP X210 made by Infotmic chinese company. This tablet has battery issues and we are trying to solve them. The tablet has phone.apk and the cell standby consumes 80 to 81% of the battery power. I have tried rooting it with gingerbreak and removing phone and other useless apps from system/app folder with root explorer. I downloaded root explorer and gingerbreak from file crop dot com.

Shoot me an email for anything you need or my msn wooziepr69 at hot mail dot com

Good Evening, recently wandered through the forums and stumbled upon this topic, and your comment on it and I wanted to know more about Tablet PC MID m7206 and in particular about the firmware on it, because I think the system to change its Chinese plate, but nothing is not normal found on him. I think you will not refuse to help. If possible, it is desirable materials in Russian, and even more desirable in the Russian firmware, and recently wanted to change seats with Android on a Windows system, if you can - Help

Sorry for the English, helped Google
How do you get the china telecom infotmic m7206 to accept apps like Skype and Netflix. They can't load due to the country of origin, which is China.
How do you get the china telecom infotmic m7206 to accept apps like Skype and Netflix. They can't load due to the country of origin, which is China.

does anyone have a solution to bypass this issue? i have the same problem with several mainstream apps that cannot be installed. error message is always "This app is incompatible with your China Telecom Infotmic M7206".

does anyone have a solution to bypass this issue? i have the same problem with several mainstream apps that cannot be installed. error message is always "This app is incompatible with your China Telecom Infotmic M7206".

Hiya, Same issue here, very new to all this stuff, any help would be appreciated. Cheers. David
How do you get the china telecom infotmic m7206 to accept apps like Skype and Netflix. They can't load due to the country of origin, which is China.

Yes, I have a solution and it's easy to do but the m7206 uses a very slow processor and the resolution and color ruins the ability to enjoy the app. If you still want to install netflix you will need to download the netflix application package at filecrop.com. After you install it, you will be able to update from the google play app market.
Yes, I have a solution and it's easy to do but the m7206 uses a very slow processor and the resolution and color ruins the ability to enjoy the app. If you still want to install netflix you will need to download the netflix application package at filecrop.com. After you install it, you will be able to update from the google play app market.

What about Skype? Pretty sure that it's Skype that's blocking the download because of some agreement with the Chinese and or U.S. Government - and the information leading them to believe that the tablets live in China more than likely resides in the Read-Only Memory.