WM8650: Factory Firmware or Touchscreen Driver


May 2, 2011
The tablet worked out of the box, but shut down during an App installation and then wouldn't boot up. I flashed a Vestinious M009s ROM and got it working again, but with no touchscreen and a faulty wifi. Basically now I have a semi-working tablet: wifi scanning works but it won't connect, and the touchscreen does not work at all.

Does anyone have a factory standard firmware / ROM they can let me have? It was exactly like the one in this thread: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/wondermedia-based/10766-via-wm8650-hardware-information.html

Any ideas about the touchscreen? I can live without wifi if I have to, but no touchscreen makes it useless for much.

Here are all the details I can get out of my tablet:

WonderMedia WM8650
Screen 800X480
Memory / RAM: 256MB DDR
Micro SD Card Reader
wireless: WiFi 802.11b / g

Tablet Specs
Internal Memory 512 mb
RAM 203 mb
Android 2.2
CPU ABI: armeani
Hardware: WMT
Display: Vestinious M009s Froyo v1.2.2-20110408.115818
Fingerprint: generic/generic/generic/:2.2/Froyo/v1.2.2-20110402.115818:eng
Host: szmce13
ID: Uberoid Froyo
Processor: ARM926Ej-S rev 5 (v5l)
BogoMIPS: 348.97
Kernel version:
Details are:
Android O.S. 2.2
Kernel 2.6.32
Build V 1.2.0

everything else was generic or unknown.

It has a green led (red on charging).
It vibrates on turning on.

Now for the photographs.









Thanks for any help.

Tried this one, and I just tried it again to be sure.
Flashes fine but then boots up to the "uberdroid" message and then hangs there forever (I waited 30 minutes then called it a day).

So far I've tried Vestinious 1.1.6, m70007t, and viapad 1.1.6 (only 1.5 build works).

I'm running out of ideas.


okay how about...

Maybe it's just me, but they all seem to be the same file. Anyway, downloaded, flashed and they work, but no touchscreen. I'm beginning to wonder if my touchscreen is broken. I'm in contact with the seller, lets see what he suggests.
He will probably have the link to the original firmware...(if he gives you that please post the l;ink he gives as I know lots of people would like to have it) and hey maybe it will work! keep us posted!
Hi Coresect,
As far as I know, there're 2 different versions of 8650 tablets (even though they look exactly the same) using different touchscreen decoder chips, namely vt1603 & uor615x. Hence I suggest one thing you can try is to download the ROM from HcH'z TechKnow [www.HcH.net.tc] - Login, extract it to a SD card, and then make the following changes:

1. file FirmwareInstall/packages/fs_patch/root_patch/system/default.prop:
find the line "ro.wmt.touchpannel=0" and change it to,

2. file FirmwareInstall/env/uboot_env_head,
for the 2 lines:
setenv touchcodec vt1603 and
setenv wmt.io.touch 1:vt1603:2:800:480
change them to,
setenv touchcodec uor615x and
setenv wmt.io.touch 1:uor615x:0:800:480

Then make the flashing as usual.

My 8" 8650 got the same problem as yours after flashing the ROM ... it booted up but touchscreen didn't work. It works after making the above changes. Of course I also need to change all the '480's to '600's due to resolution being 800x600 for a 8" tablet, which is not applicable to your 7" case.
Update (of sorts): The seller offered to swap the tablet, which I'm happier with as I was beginning to wonder if the touchscreen wasn't in fact defective (I'd read in another thread that several tablet-owners had this problem). So now I'll be waiting a couple of weeks (hoping the seller is honest or I'll be opening an E-Bay dispute I guess). When (if) the tablet turns up, is there a way I can back-up the firmware in it? That way I'll feel safer and I could supply it to you guys as well.

Thanks for the help,

Update (of sorts): The seller offered to swap the tablet, which I'm happier with as I was beginning to wonder if the touchscreen wasn't in fact defective (I'd read in another thread that several tablet-owners had this problem). So now I'll be waiting a couple of weeks (hoping the seller is honest or I'll be opening an E-Bay dispute I guess). When (if) the tablet turns up, is there a way I can back-up the firmware in it? That way I'll feel safer and I could supply it to you guys as well.

Thanks for the help,


Can you provide the link of seller?
Some WM8650 Roms they should Be OEM / Stock

Uberoid_WM8650_2.2_v1.2.2.7z bit.ly/jz5IQ3
Factory firmware M009s 1.2.0 (03-28) bit.ly/jnm9iv
7_inch_VIA8650_blue _Led_greenheadphone.part1.rar bit.ly/jbbeeB
7_inch_VIA8650_blue _Led_greenheadphone.part2.rar bit.ly/mb9Kgr
M731-1.2.0_WM8650 systerm.7z.001 bit.ly/lRa5pP
M731-1.2.0_WM8650 systerm.7z.002 bit.ly/mqc5bi
M731-1.2.0_WM8650 systerm.7z.003 bit.ly/m0KjaS
10in_WM8650_M008S.03.06_Ver1.1.1 2011-02-17.7z.001 bit.ly/k7On6m
10in_WM8650_M008S.03.06_Ver1.1.1 2011-02-17.7z.002 bit.ly/iVxvYb
Dajo: as soon as the tablet comes back, or I open an E-Bay dispute I'll let you know. (edit) It might not be very useful to you as it is an Italian re-seller, not a direct Chinese one.

Exmortius: thanks for those. I've already tried several with no success. Right now my tablet is (in theory) being replaced so I am awaiting its return.

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Hi Coresect,
As far as I know, there're 2 different versions of 8650 tablets (even though they look exactly the same) using different touchscreen decoder chips, namely vt1603 & uor615x. Hence I suggest one thing you can try is to download the ROM from HcH'z TechKnow [www.HcH.net.tc] - Login, extract it to a SD card, and then make the following changes:

1. file FirmwareInstall/packages/fs_patch/root_patch/system/default.prop:
find the line "ro.wmt.touchpannel=0" and change it to,

2. file FirmwareInstall/env/uboot_env_head,
for the 2 lines:
setenv touchcodec vt1603 and
setenv wmt.io.touch 1:vt1603:2:800:480
change them to,
setenv touchcodec uor615x and
setenv wmt.io.touch 1:uor615x:0:800:480

Then make the flashing as usual.

My 8" 8650 got the same problem as yours after flashing the ROM ... it booted up but touchscreen didn't work. It works after making the above changes. Of course I also need to change all the '480's to '600's due to resolution being 800x600 for a 8" tablet, which is not applicable to your 7" case.

I tried doing this as I have the same problem. I have most of the roms out there without being able to have my tablet's touchscreen work.