Wonder Media 8505 Andriod Tablet WiFi connecting problem


Nov 26, 2011
Hi guys I cant see any posts directed at my issue on the 8505 hence in posing this one.

I bought the tablet a few days ago and upon trying to link to wifi, it scans for 4 secs - + and stops scanning, dosnt tell me no networks found or not, it just stops there. I have even done a factory reset on the device to no avail.
I tried punching in my personal wifi detail and nothing, tells me the device is out of range even though im right next to the wifi.
I can pick up 7 wifi spots from where I am on my mobile phone, but not from the 8505 tablet.

Can someone give me some advise please, I'm tearing out my hear....Did i get the DUD in the batch, should I sell it?

A confused man, Mike.
Got the Pad as a present of someone who got sick and tired of it not working.
Tried several different ROM's tried with and without RT3070, but same result.
Not even if i sit next to my router!!!

Is there a patch for this? or can i make changes in the Settings somewhere?

Hope for a reply!
Take a short trip to McDonalds (or somewhere else with free OPEN wifi) and try the tablet there. That way you can determine if the problem is really with the tablet (Well, ok it IS with the tablet's limitations as to seeing the router.) or some tweeks you'll have to perform on the router will correct your problem. I discovered many of the cheaper tablets (like mine) can't connect, or won't stay connected if SSID is set to invisible, security is set to anything other then WEP, or the channel the router broadcasts is not one the tablet does well with. Good luck and enjoy the fries!