Wonder Media 8650 Dead :( Help me


Sep 13, 2011
Hello, I would like to ask if somebody could help me with my WonderMedia 8650 tablet PC.
I changed ROM, and everything went successful. When I was finishing loading new ROM, a prompt appeared to disconnect the installation media, i.e. to remove the memory card. After I removed the memory card, nothing appears on the display, and only blue indicator is on, I can turn the tablet on/off, but I can't see anything. Could you please help me how to revive my tablet again?
But the problem is that when I insert the memory card with new ROM into the tablet, nothing happens. Only blue LED comes on and that is all. I wonder if I can do anything about it or not?
i think you need to try another rom for your device. google custom ROMs for wondermedia 8650, i'm sure you'll find not just a couple for your tab.