Would you re-purchase Acer A-500?


Feb 15, 2012
I am wanting to get a Acer A500. I want to stay under 400. I am looking at the A500 but also considering the ASUS Transformer. So my question is, if something happened where you lost your A500, and you were in the market for a new device, what would you try to go with?

I would hate to buy the A500 and find out for 50 more I could have got whatever...

I will not have a carrier with it. I have a iphone with a personal hotspot and will use that with the Acer wi-fi.
If I lost my A500, I would probably go for an A200 which is less expensive. But if money was no object, I would go Transformer Prime, with a keyboard dock. Quad core is a faster alternative, at 499.00.
Got my A500 Refub like-new for $250. I like it, but I'm not crazy about the form factor. Had a Vizio Vtab prior to the A500 and really liked that form factor, but it was woefully underpowered. So for the price I paid for the Acer, I guess I can't complain. But I'm anxious to get me some Ice Cream Sandwich. Bring it.

I would surely replace mine with another A500. I have found nothing on the market that interest me more than this one. I gave away an iPad and bought the Acer. Glad I did, no regrets.
I would have to consider the a200 instead of the a500, or wait for the a700. The a500 might still win but it's worth considering the a200.

As far as everything else goes, I see no lack of quality in my a500 so the only things I could ask for would be a rubber covered chassis (a200) or quad core processor (a700). If the price was up at $500 or more I would just buy a Windows tablet like the w500.
I would, but I want ICS. I like the speed, the weight, pretty much everything about it. I don't really need it at all, but I'm enough of a geek that I had to have one once it hit my price point. I found a case that I thought I'd like, but I want a better kickstand.

Now, I want ICS, someone to make a better stylus, and I want Adobe to make a usable vector art app. Adobe Ideas is a bad 'idea'.
I would and I did. I bought my daughter one for Christmas and loved it so much that I found one used on Craigslist for $300.00 about 2 weeks later, and I bought that. Mine came with a Belkin case (good case but when you hold it sideways, it sags down from it). Out of all the 10 inch tablets, I like the build quality and design the best, micro sd, usb, etc. I don't care about the weight being more than the rest of them. What I liked most about the Transformer was the ice cube live wallpaper, but found and installed that to my Acer with no problems. I bought a 32gb micro sd card from Amazon ($28.00 after shipping) and works great.

I have about 20 gb of cbr files (comics and magazines) that I store on the card and it is a beautiful thing. Love it!
A500 was the first tablet I ever bought. I'm sure they are fine tablets but the whole thing just felt lacking some how.
I eventually sold it to a friend who really liked it.
I purchased a Vizio Vtab 1008 months later and actually like it much better than the Acer which surprises me because I buy all Acer Laptops and monitors. I really thought I would like the Acer tablet but I didn't.
Sin of all sins. I do like the IPad, and a friend has one and has found workarounds to the flash issue and other things. The 1008 I guess seems more IPadish than the Acer, which may be why I like it so much better. Having said the IPad thing it is I think strictly how well the hardware works. I prefer the Android OS over IOS.
I would not rebuy, but that's just me.

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no I would not buy another one.Buy an ipad you'll be happier.extra $100 is well worth it. ...used ipad for a month and now have an a500,and it doesn't work anywhere close to an ipad.....half android apps are crap,full of bugs,inferior to apple,s....even same app in both apple and android...the android is usually different and inferior. Don't get me wrong,i'm not a loyal apple fan...i just like efficiency and things that work smoothly.
....well if you could get it for a cheap $200....it'd be worth it,I guess
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While my post was not intended to slight the A500 in any way. I did end up buying a IPad2 at the same time I purchased my Vtab 1008, sadly I have never used it because my sister still has it. Ha!!!!!!! Joke on me, my tablet, almost 3 months and I have never seen it out of the box.
I am very interested in the Asus Transformer TF101. The Prime just has to many problems going on with it to mess with, also interested in the Prime TF700T when it comes out, but only many months after, needs plenty of time for all the bugs to get worked out.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
This is my first post and my 2nd tablet. Just got it 2 days ago for 349.99. I had a xoom that got up and walked away. My wife has a VTab 1008. I did some research before I picked. Dollar for dollar my choice was the a500. I was going to get the a200 (same price as the a500) when I realized it is missing the rear camera, gps, docking port and something else, I forget. I also read that the a200 was the a100 replacement. My wifes VTab 1008 is a joke compared to any other tablet even at 200 bucks. I looked at the transformer and thrive for 50 more and didn't see any advantages with them. I also prefered having the camera flash on the a500. I even thought about pitching in the extra 150 for the prime but The issues I have read scared me. So until we see the a700 I don't see a better bang for the buck than the a500.