X5a tablet missing market icon


Jul 21, 2011
My x5a tablet shows that market is installed in application manager but it is not showing in the application menu or the home screen. Anybody got any ideas on how to get the icon to show/Market to work?

The About Device page says the following:
Android version - 2.3.3(1.6)
Kernel version - root@ubuntu #245
Build number - HSHG-X5A

I have some more information about this. I have looked at the running services and Market is not running. Also, I have looked in Dev tools and Market is disabled. Is there any way to enable Market / fix this problem?

Thank you
I have some more information about this. I have looked at the running services and Market is not running. Also, I have looked in Dev tools and Market is disabled. Is there any way to enable Market / fix this problem?

Thank you

Maybe if you try to update it will appoint the icon again.

Goggle "update android market 3.0.27" and look for apk file

Install with a explorer or app manager

I hope it will work, actually I own this tablet but in 2.1, it will be good if it work with 2.3
oh, i didnt read the other post, maybe you could try reinstalling all gapps.

But before make a backup, it is interesting your rom it could be help to people who is trying to make a decent port to different tablets with same chip.
For anyone else experiencing this problem - I have managed to get it working now.

Goto ES File Explorer - system - app - vending.apk

The icon will then be back. Now immediately sign in to Google/market or the icon will disappear again on the next reboot. Don't ask me why this works but it does.