Xoom carging via portable battery query


May 15, 2011

I'm a long term traveler, and continuing to push my boundaries - I am going to be cycling form London to Singapore (or potentially to adelaide, australia) starting November. This journey will take around 14-16 months. However during this time I would like to blog my journey, and idealy the tool I would like to use is the Motorola Xoom. This is for two reasons: 1) Long battery life on tablets. & 2) I prefer Android over Apple. I will also be advertising what ever device I get on the website to provide other travellers a solution.

Now, the only way I will be getting power will be via a solar panel setup as follows:

This solar panel "Solargorilla" ( Link )
Will feed power into a battery "Powergorilla" ( Link )
...and with all battery packs like this, they output power via USB or DC. The iPad2 will charge via USB (slowly yes, but surely - but I have time!!). However I would prefer to buy the Xoom if possible. So to prevent me going out and buying an iPad2, I need to be able to charge the Xoom from either a DC or USB port.

*potential Xoom charging solution*
I buy a motorola xoom car charger kit, and a powergorilla car charger socket.

So in summary:
- Motorola Xoom Tablet will plug into Xoom Car Charger ( Link )
- that will plug into powertraveller car charget socket ( Link )
- that will plug into Powergorilla (battery) ( Link )

I've gone to Motorola about it, and they've basically replied with a "i don't know". Not helpful.

...I know this is a far stretch, but would anyone here have access to these accessories? or have the technical knowledge whether it would or not? As before I buy a Xoom tablet, I need to know whether this method will charge it. Other wise I'm going to be forced to buy an iPad2 or another tablet that supports USB charging.

Thank you very much in advanced!
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I don't have a Xoom, but if the Xoom can be charged from a car battery then your proposed solution should work with 2 caveats:

1. Does your portable battery supply 12 V?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes, can your battery supply a charging amperage similar to a car battery? Too little, then charging your Xoom may be too slow or even not enough to offset the sleep battery drainage.
Quoting: https://powertraveller.com/iwantsome/primatepower/powergorilla/

"powergorilla will work with devices up to 24volts - so from your laptop, right the way down to your mobile phone or iPod! Just select which voltage you require; 5v, 8.4v, 9.5, 12v, 16v, 19v or 24v and the LCD screen will indicate which setting has been chosen. Then simply hook up your gadget and away you go!"

So from quoting that from their website. Things are looking good.

I guess my next step is to go straight out and purchase the PowerGorilla and take it in the store to see if they'll let me test it with the Xoom. But I'm a lot more confident from that response. - Thanks!