Xoom vs iPad 2


May 18, 2011
I've been searching for a 2nd tablet to use for work. I already have the acer A500 running ICS. I saw I can get a 32gb Xoom for $499 which of course is upgradable to ICS. However I also saw I can get a 32gb apple certified refurb iPad for the same price. I will be using this tablet in my classroom for grading & attendance taking for my students. I know apple has a lot of options for apps for teachers...Android has some but isn't quite up to where Apple is yet.

I just played with the xoom and iPad at Best Buy and both are VERY fast & neither slowed down a I was using them. Obviously the Xoom is more customizable but for what I need THIS tablet to do that isn't really important.

I prefer Android over iOS (I own the a500, gTablet, Droid Bionic & the OG Droid)...but I'm asking if anyone has both tablets to give me a good comparison of benefits & drawbacks different than those I mentioned. I know this is an Android forum so I'm figuring most of you will tell me to get the Xoom. I do prefer android devices because of the freedom we have to modify them to our own needs. However, it's obvious the iPad AppStore has more options in regards to apps (for my purposes anyway)...

This is a tough decision so if you can offer any advice either way I'd greatly appreciate it!

Kids think ipad is coolest, i disagree but as a teacher you know best. Personaly,
i'd go xoom. Android apps will catch and overtake ios very soon. Plus with ipad3 on the doorstep, your ipad2 will be old news.. :-(p.s youever thought of onda vi40? Worth a serious look at great price..good luck.

w8650 in hope of enlightenment * :)
Kids think ipad is coolest, i disagree but as a teacher you know best. Personaly,
i'd go xoom. Android apps will catch and overtake ios very soon. Plus with ipad3 on the doorstep, your ipad2 will be old news.. :-(p.s youever thought of onda vi40? Worth a serious look at great price..good luck.

w8650 in hope of enlightenment * :)

I've never heard of the onda vi40 but based on the search I just did it looks nice...just like the iPad...Like I said this is a TOUGH decision to make. I know the iPad 3 will be out within the month & the price of the iPad 2 will drop even more...but based on what I've seen so far it doesn't look like the iPad 3 will offer THAT much more than what's already on the iPad 2..some software tweaks and MAYBE some minor hardware upgrades...not much though...My whole school is an iPad school..meaning we got a grant to get a bunch for some of the staff & for the students to use. Me & one other guy are the only real Android guys...but he even has an iPad so he stays up to date with the rest of the building. I just did another search for grading software & the two apps I would use are both on iPad...however I dent an email to the developer of one of them to see if he's planning an Android version...I really hope so! I do love Droids...but this might be a matter of necessity...
I know what you mean. My stepson wants an ipad for school. They can have them on some sort of finance deal over 3yrs here in uk but its still very expensive (over 600pounds!! :-(). I cant afford that on benefit. I want to find out if there is similar apps on android so i could get him something like the aforementioned onda vi40. I've looked at discount ipads but they're still over 300pounds so its off limits at the moment. We live in an affluent area and all the other kids have them so he feels a little inferior but hopefully android will catch upon the education apps asap. Sounds like you're gonna have to join the ipad crew for the time being at least.

w8650 in hope of enlightenment * :)
Yea I think I might have to become a "part-time fanboy" ! I just got a reply from the app developer I mentioned & he said he has no plans for an android version of his app. He actually suggested I use his "laptop" version! I told him being a physical education teacher I need to be mobile & carry my device with me & grade students on the fly...I will admit though...$499 for a 32gb iPad 2 (refurb) is a GREAT deal...I did like playing with it at Best Buy...but for everyday use the Android wins hands down. I am constantly using my A500 for EVERYTHING!!!
Well I ended up purchasing a Apple Certified 16gb iPad 2...total price after tax was $450...I should have it by next week sometime. I went with the 16gb because I won't be playing music or movies on it...it's mainly for work. I might use Garage Band to do some recording but my Acer Iconia A500 will be my go to tab...I just had to go where the apps were in this case since it will be used primarily for work. The educational software on the iPad far exceeds that of the Android Market. I'm sure the Market will catch up. I could have waited for the iPad 3 to come out & get the 2 cheaper...but then everyone will be all over them & I won't know where my financial situation will be in a month or so.

I'm still an Android guy & always will be...I will NEVER buy an iPhone!!! But owning a Bionic, OG Droid, A500 AND Logitech Revue Google TV I think the Droid in me is set in stone! :)