YouTube Not Working


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
Like the title says youtube is no longer working. It worked after first rooting but now just returns to the home screen. I don't think I changed any setttings that would affect it.

Any thoughts? I guess rerooting would be one option.


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you need to clear the youtube app cache. You can use TB or nook color tools to do that, that should fix it.
you need to clear the youtube app cache. You can use TB or nook color tools to do that, that should fix it.

I tried clearing the cache but that didn't work. However using "TB" did work. To elaborate on thel8elvis' tip for others who run into this problem you can do the following.

Install the Titanium Backup app (TB) if you don't have it.

Launch the app and choose the Backup/Restore tab at the top.

Scroll down to YouTube and tap on it.

Then tap on the Wipe data button.

That should do it!
Yes, it was not an in-depth explanation - glad you worked out the details :)

Should work through nook color tools - force stop, clear data , clear cache. Anyhow - as I understand it the problem comes from quitting YouTube while still signed in.
Digging up an old post here. My youtube is not working and actually hasn't worked for awhile. I followed the steps above and still nothing, I select the app the screen goes black and then back to the apps menu. What do you all think?
Digging up an old post here. My youtube is not working and actually hasn't worked for awhile. I followed the steps above and still nothing, I select the app the screen goes black and then back to the apps menu. What do you all think?

It sounds like the normal youtube cached data crash that s/b fixed by clearing.

If you have adb access, try
adb shell busybox rm /data/data/ -r
and reboot.

I would read through these 2 xda threads and try the suggestions there.

"HQ" YouTube on NC - xda-developers
REQ: Youtube.apk - xda-developers
Across the top of Titanium Backup you should have 3 buttons, Overview, Backup/Restore and Schedules. You want to use the Backup/Restore then go down to youtube.

Sent from my rooted Nook Color using Android Tablet Forum App
Do you have the Pro vesion of TB? I am using the free version but imagine it should be the same.

Sent from my rooted Nook Color using Android Tablet Forum App
You can try installing the free version and see if you get the tabs. Then it is pretty easy to clear he cache and get goutube working again. The is a problem with signing in to goutube with your gmail account that causes it to stop working.

I haven't looked into how to avoid the issue yet since the fix is pretty straight fowrad once you have TB working. If you don't have that option you may want to avoid signing into youtube once you get it restored.

Sent from my rooted Nook Color using Android Tablet Forum App
You can also try going into Nookolor tools, all settings, manage apps then scroll down to youtube. Inside that you have an option to clear cache and defaults which might work.

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