zepad android 2.3 A9 processor


Jan 30, 2012
I have recentky bought this excellent tablet. However somewhere along the way, I have accidently lost my original set up and apps that I downloaded when shutting down. I have started up the tablet with the existing micro SD card and then a new micro SDHC card which hs been recognised. However, every time it starts up it:

a) asks me to callibrate screen and I cant seem to stop it. How do I stop the callibration request?
b) have to keep logging in with gmail user name and password - how do I stop this - ie keep logged in
c) I just cant download any apps from the market because it tells me that there is no space to save the item ( but I have space on the internal memory plus all of the external micro SD card. How can I get the tablet to accept download to the internal drive and to the external memory card?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

As a matter of interest is there any dedicated web site for support for the Zepad?
I have recentky bought this excellent tablet. However somewhere along the way, I have accidently lost my original set up and apps that I downloaded when shutting down. I have started up the tablet with the existing micro SD card and then a new micro SDHC card which hs been recognised. However, every time it starts up it:

a) asks me to callibrate screen and I cant seem to stop it. How do I stop the callibration request?
b) have to keep logging in with gmail user name and password - how do I stop this - ie keep logged in
c) I just cant download any apps from the market because it tells me that there is no space to save the item ( but I have space on the internal memory plus all of the external micro SD card. How can I get the tablet to accept download to the internal drive and to the external memory card?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

As a matter of interest is there any dedicated web site for support for the Zepad?

Hi Bobby, welcome to the forum, maybe you can find something helpful here: Zenithink Tablets
I am pulling my hair out on this one (with what hair I have left) - cant find any assistance anywhere.

Can I ask whether anyone knows where I can get proper support for my Zepad? Whose is the the manufacturer and what is their web page please - if any?

as far as 'official' help, it's almost non existent. the only answer i was able to get officially is that there is a service center in texas for repairs. other than that, not much.

as far as your issues, I'd start by reflashing the rom, but thats my answer for everything. just so you know, there are custom roms for the zenithink that are much better than the official roms. just google zenithink custom roms and i'm sure you'll find more than care to test. just look for the version that people rave about the most, which rom you pick is a personal preference. I chose an ICS version without flash or bluetooth support, but it is very stable and blazing fast. in a few weeks they are supposed to come out with an updated version that includes bluetooth, and possibly flash. there has been issues with getting flash to work correctly with custom roms for some reason. i'm not a developer/hacker, so i can't tell you exactly what the deal is.

there are ways to calibrate it, but i wouldn't hold my breath on it working. most people end up reflashing, which is why i recommended you do that first. (there's probably a corrupt kernel or something thats buggering up your system)

in my opinion, reflashing is usually win/win because it 1) solves your problem, and 2) gives you an updated version, which is generally better... and I enjoy troubleshooting it, so it makes it even better imo. I like the fact that it isnt a 'finished' product. its much cheaper, and has a pretty decent fanbase behind it that are constantly tinkering with it
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