zepad - WiFi Connection Problem

hello Artjohn1, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. I'm moving your thread to the Zenithink Tablets section to see if someone there can help you out. Good Luck!
I can't seem to connect to our network,husband thinks I should default and start over? I'v always been good a seting up new computes and such, but this tablet is a new one for me. Thanks
Try going to settings wireless click on youre network that shows up. Then click on forget. Then turn wifi off. Then turn wifi on then goto ur network click on ur network. If ur network is pass protected put in ur password and u should be able to get wifi now. I had wifi problems alot until i instaled smaxtors custom rom. Now all is good. Love this rom alot of bs apps are deleted from this rom so tablet is much faster n more stable

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
Someone posted just yesterday saying all his problems connecting went away when he "unhid" his SSID. If you're hiding yours, change the router settings and see what happens. Worth a try?
Your router probably has some sort of protection for your network - try adding the MAC address of your tablet in the routers whitelist.
It comes up with wifi name, as instructed below, went in and said forget,now it say disabled and wifi is scannng.., has said that for about an hour now. just not sure what to do now, to get it to connect. Would defaulting the tablet and starting over help?
Before you do anything to your Tablet lets first verify you're operating the software properly.

At your home screen:
Click the "Menu" button and choose "Settings"
Click on the "Wireless & Network" tab
Put a tick in the "Wi-Fi" box to enable your WiFi radio

After the radio is on it should start performing an action.
Here are the typical things it can and will say.

"Turning on..."
"Obtaining address from ******"
"Connected to *******"

If you see the words "Turning on" appear and then disappear but a check still in the "Wi-Fi" box then your radio is on.

Next click on "Wi-Fi Settings"
In this menu your tablet should have already performed a scan to see what available networks can be seen. You should see these networks under the "Wi-Fi networks" area at the bottom of your screen.
If you don't see your network (or any other networks) then click on the "Menu" button again and choose the "Scan" button.

After it is done scanning you may or may not see your network, the key here is that if you don't see your network but can and do see other networks then your radio is functioning properly. If that area is still blank you need to go someplace you know has Wifi (even if you are not going to connect to it) to verify that your wifi radio can pick up a signal.

If you are able to see other networks but not your own you have 2 options to solve this. One is you go to your router and turn the "SSID" broadcast option back on. I don't recommend this; what I recommend is that you go to another computer that is currently connected to your network and write down that networks name/SSID (BE EXACT!!). If it has capitals make sure you have capitals..etc etc

With your new information you can now "Add" that network (create a connection profile for the tablet to use). To do this you are going to go down to "Add Wi-Fi Network) at the very bottom of your screen. Once you click on that you are going to see a field that says "SSID" this is where you are going to put in the name you wrote down previously from another device. Make sure you enter it exactly as you wrote it down. If you have security you will need to stop here until you get that information. So lets assume you don't have security for the next step. Click on "Save" and you will be back at your last screen.

This time however you should see the name of your network you just created with the words "Remembered" underneath it. Now if you created it or if it found it by itself go to the next step.

If you are seeing your network click on it and pay attention to the details it provides.
Signal Strength
Mac Address

If the signal strength is "poor" it can lead to connection problems
If the Security is set to anything other then "open" then you will need to provide your tablet with the correct passkey to connect to your network
Mac Address isn't too important if you don't have the Mac Address of your router memorized or written down (most people don't)

So lets say the connection strength is "Excellent" and the "Security" is set to "Open"

Click on "Connect"

Now once you click on that look back up on top to "Wi-Fi" box that has a tick next to it. Underneath the words "Wi-Fi" it will start giving you messages about its connection status.
You should see:
"Connecting to *****."
"Obtaining address from *****" (Where ***** is your network/routers broadcast name)

If it doesn't get past "Connecting to" it has NOTHING to do with a Mac filter, this means your router is not allowing it to associate with it. This would mean something is wrong with either your router (doubtful), tablet or you have a form of security setup.

If it says "Obtaining address from *****" but doesn't move past this section it means YOU DO have a Mac Filter setup and it wont let you connect.

If you have a Mac Filter setup on your router then whats happening is your router has a list of devices that it knows it can allow to connect to it. Every wifi device has a serial number of sorts associated with it, they are unique from the manufacturer and from device to device. In order to get your tablet to obtain an IP address from your router and thereby allow you to "connect" to it, you will have to input that Mac address into your router.

I can give you further instructions on how to this later if need be.

Those are the basic steps to connecting to your network, if you are still having failures please let me know what exactly is happening and I can help you from there.

Just a heads up, I'd probably be asking you to first "reboot your router" (simply unplugging it and plugging it back in) or logging into your router using the administrators name and password (you hopefully changed these from the defaults) and finally telling you how to find your Mac Address of your tablet and if needed finding the passkey needed to connect to your network.

I really hope this helps get you in the right direction,

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this tablet has a very retarded way of handling the wifi antenna.. Normally, it is screwed down to the board, using it as extra bits of metal to grab a better signal. Unfortunately, they just taped it to the back of the screen.

this can be easily solved by soldering metal to the antenna. it can be copper tape, a piece of flat metal... even a coat hanger or tin foil gives dramatic gains.

I'm suck at soldering, but fortunately its a very easy fix, as there's plenty of cord to take it fully out of the case, and you can drop on as much solder as it takes.

I'd recommend soldering to where the screw would go, as that's the easiest point just make sure that you don't solder the antenna to itself (it's formed in a long U shaped)

it's about a 10 minute job, and pretty easy for any level of experience.
1st off ,Thank You, for all the detailed instructions. They were very helpful. I have
gotten a far as scanning an or obtaining address, but never gets past that point.
We live in Baja, have a Kindle 3,and have never had a problem with it connecting.
Thank You
1st off ,Thank You, for all the detailed instructions. They were very helpful. I have
gotten a far as scanning an or obtaining address, but never gets past that point.
We live in Baja, have a Kindle 3,and have never had a problem with it connecting.
Thank You

I apologize for my absence, I was away and using forums on my smartphone is a pain in the ass..lol

Ok, just to clarify; you have been able to "scan" and "Obtain address" (not farther then that).

If you scanned and it found your Router's SSID (routers broadcast name) and you tried to connect to it but it never got passed "obtaining address" then this would make me believe you have MAC filtering enabled. Now when you said your Kindle 3 hasn't had any problems I assume you mean that YOU were able to set it up and get it connected? By this I mean you took it out of the box, turned it on and connected it to your router.

If you did not initially connect it to your router there is a chance that someone else (your husband perhaps) that physically entered the MAC Address into the routers database.

One more thing, this is YOUR wifi connection I presume. As in the router is owned by you, in your apartment/house and is using your internet?

The wifi radio seems to be working, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to get to the "obtaining address" the hold up right now is that your router is not providing your tablet an IP address. There are a few ways to solve this and I will outline them below.

1. Make sure or verify if you have MAC filtering enabled or not. Your best bet is to log onto a computer and try typing in in your web browser. (this address could be different but typically is not see further down to help identify this number). You should be prompted to input a username and password. A majority of the time if nothing was changed the Username will be either "Admin", "Administrator" or simply left blank. The password is typically "Password" or "Admin"

From this point you want to look under Wireless settings or Security or even Wireless Security. Sometimes it will not be called a "Mac Filter" but instead an "Access List". If you find one, and it is enabled you should see a table that has a bunch of numbers that look somewhat like this "a4:18:b2:ff:21:e5" If you see those, then all you need to do is input your tablets mac address into the table, apply/save and sometimes you will need to manually restart your router. (I can tell you how to find this number if you have not already seen it)

HOWEVER before you even do any of this, why not simply unplug your router, wait 10-15 seconds and plug it back in. Sometimes the problem is with the routers DHCP and restarting it will help.

Now if you don't have a Mac Filter setup on your router it could very well be that for some reason your router is having a problem giving your tablet an IP address. You can actually do this in 2 different ways, one is by modifying your router and the other is by telling your tablet what you want.

So for now we are going to tell your tablet to acquire it's own IP address, but before we can do this we need to know what the IP address your router is at. Remember when I told you to go to a computer and type in If that worked and it asked for your password..YAY we can use that. If however it didn't you can still find out what IP address your router is located at by using your computer. The easiest way is if you are using a Windows operating system is to "Right click" on your wireless connection near the clock at the bottom of your screen (Windows XP) and choose "Status" and then choose the "Properties Tab on top". If using Windows 7 instead LEFT click on the wireless icon and RIGHT click on the network you are connected to and choose "STATUS" then click on the "details" button.

This information is what you would need to know what IP address your router is located at as well as to be able to input your own static IP.

Ok, so I'd recommend to make this easier to do this while sitting at the computer so you have all the information you need in front of you.

On your tablet in the "Wireless settings" tab you need to hit your "Menu" button and this time instead of choosing "Scan" you are going to choose "ADVANCED"

At the bottom you are going to put a "Tick" for "Use Static IP"
Then click on the drop down arrow for "IP address" and insert the first 3 sets of numbers you have listed on your computer for "Default Gateway" so that would be something like 192.168.1 but it could also be 92.168.0
after you insert those 3 sets of numbers (with a period at the end you can insert any number but I'd recommend using something between 50 and 60 (example then click "OK"

Now for the "Gateway" tab you are going to insert the exact same number that was given on your computer for "Gateway" (could say IPv4 Gateway)

Next you need to insert your mask (Netmask for android) again look at the settings on your computer for "Subnet Mask" and insert them exactly (more then likely it will be

Next you will need to enter a DNS server IP address, for the sake of simplicity I'm going to give you the IP address for Googles DNS server; the address for them are (that goes in DNS1) and (that goes into DNS2)

After that is all done you're going to click on the "Back" button of your tablet, disable your wireless radio, enable the radio again and try to connect once more. If it obtains an IP address then YAY, if not then we will have to further investigate.

Let me know if you still need more help, just send me an instant message through this forum and I can go into further detail with you on how you can acquire more information about your setup. The good news is it seems your Wifi radio on the tablet is working; now just a matter of figuring out what in the chain of connection is causing the problem.

Oh, and I don't work for Zenithink; actually I'm considering purchasing one for my 2 1/2 year old and thought I could help.
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Have a Toshiba Thrive. Was able to connect with wifi on the home PC, but on the road and can't get connect to wifi at the hotel. No box pops up for password

Thanks for the help