Zero screen brightness, flytouch 3, expert pls help!!!


Nov 15, 2011
I have tried the following method, but first two don't work with my tablet. (Flytouch 3,here is where get it from E10 Flytouch III 10.1 inch Google Android 2.2 ARM 11 1GHz Tablet PC Silver) I want to try firmware update, but I don't know how to do with black screen. Please someone help me to solve this problem!!! Thanks

Or can anyone update pics or video that show procedure about how to change the screen brightness. Thank you so much if you help me.

Question: Black screen. I set my brightness to 0 and now the screen is black, even if I reboot the system.

Answer: As the screen has been set to brightness 0, you will need to navigate the black screen by following the step-by-step instructions below:

Coordinates are in cm. Follow these steps and tap the screen blindly to increase the brightness and make the screen visible once more:

1) Power on the Superpad2 Flytouch3.
2) Wait for 1 minute for the device to finish booting.
3) Press and hold the Menu button for 5 seconds then release (this unlocks the screen).
4) From the bottom right corner (with black button on the right) at 3 cm from the right edge, 1.5 cm from the bottom edge tap once (opens Settings).
5) From the top of the screen (under the webcam) 6 cm down from top edge of screen in center of screen tap screen once (opens the Display settings)
6) In the center of the screen 2 cm down from the top screen edge and 10.5 cm from the bottom screen edge tap the screen (opens the Brightness settings)
7) Tap or swipe the screen 6-7 cm from the top in the center, left to right (this adjusts the brightness)
8) The screen should now be visible. (Thank you to ******** user Robert for this solution)

Two alternative solutions are also available, these are installing the firmware update via SD-card booting (factory reseting the device), or if you can remember the location of the screen brightness widget when the brightness was set to 0, you can try tapping that location of the widget on screen and changing the brightness.