Zt180 & amazon app store apk issues


Nov 3, 2010
Not sure what is happening with this but here we go. Have 2 Zt180 for my kids, running 1030 firmware. I can install the amazon app store apk and sign in no issues. Anytime I try and go to my apps or download a new app, the page changes and then automatically jumps back to the home page for the app store.

Has anyone got this market working on the zenithink Zt180. I had no issues getting it to work on my Coby Kyros no problem, but not on the zt. Searched Google and other forums and see no fix. Any help is great.


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I have the exact same issue on my ZT-180.
Just jumps back to the main Amazon Apps screen.
I have submitted a request to Amazon for support.
We'll see what they say.
You could try to reset the tablet or flash the firmware. That might fix it but also be overkill.
I fixed the 2 we have. I went to Elonex Home then went to their support tab. Then chose their 10" 1000-et support link. At the bottom of that page is a download section called, USB firmware files. It is the burntool and all the files that you need to reflash the 180. I did that reflash and then did their 2.2 Froyo update. Worked like a charm. Then amazon app worked too.
"I'm very sorry for the difficulty you have had with the Amazon Appstore.

I understand from your email that you want to use the Amazon Appstore for Android to purchase apps for your Zenithink ZT-180.

Although the Zenithink ZT-180 runs on an Android-based operating system, it does not currently support apps from the Amazon Appstore for Android. I would suggest contacting Zenithink directly for more information on their application options."

Nice... we only support devices we like.
BTW: They don't support Andoid devices on the AT&T network either... or so they say.
That's ok, there always seems to be apps that won't work on some of the tablets. I did get it to work, but I had to upgrade both of ours to Froyo. The Amazon App Store works fine now, no issues at all. Now if I can just get App2SD app to work, I would be 100% good on the 1st Gen zt-180.