Deleting preinstalled apps and bloatware.

Great to hear your success Clancy.
Is that AutoStart Killer in the market???

Yes, it's called Autostarts the icon is a little red sports car.

Great app... do not disable Settings in any location you find it.

I never had the chance to mess with an Amiga. I was in the Army when they got popular and just didn't have time. My friends had one and told me they were excellent computers. They claimed it had 3 coprocessors? Is that true? If that is true, it must have been very powerful for it's time.

I miss those days of no responibility and sitting in my room hacking games on the C64 and logging onto BB's with 300 bod modem. It seems things where more simple back then and straight forward.
Ok, you guys have a pretty solid list of apps that can be safely removed. I guess I need to sit down and start getting rid of the bloat.

Thanks everyone for posting your findings. This has helped me out a lot. After the bloat is gone, I need to get my MID7015 to tether to my Android phone or Ad-HOC network.
Thanks... I have so many Auto this and that killers and I'd like to find one that does it all and ditch all the others. Some more experimenting to do I guess.
I believe the only one I'm using currently is one called AutoStart Killer (red square with an X). Any of the other bloat apps, I have just renamed.
One that still comes back on a cold boot it GTalk and this definitely brings the tablet out of sleep mode. Performing a kill in Running services fixes this until next cold boot. A direct apk kill of GTalk (renaming solution) will cause the market to crash, no loading of apps.

There is a lot of discussion regarding the emerging Android tablets and the wonky phone OS currently being used. Most reviewers believe that Android 3 will fix most of the issues as it is specifically for tablets.
I uninstalled some of the apps from your list on the front page and my Android marketplace stopped working (It wouldn't download anything) and I was getting " stopped unexpectantly" upon Kyros startup. I reinstalled the entire Google Experience apk to fix the problem, but would like to get a lot of the garbage back off my Kyros. Any idea where I went wrong? I have a feeling it has something to do with removing the talk.apk


**Update #1**
I have been copying APKs out of /system/app all morning and kept note of them all. Here is what I have so far. Please don't take this as me doing any of the work. I simply meshed 2-3 tables together and researched the APKs I couldn't find. I am claiming no credit for any of this.

Okay, Marketplace worked until I actually installed something at which time it blew up with a "Process stopped unexpectedly"... So I moved back GoogleCheckin and GoogleApps back to the "Keep" list... This cleared up the error.


+++++++++++++REMOVE++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Amazon MP3 Store (Okay to remove)
CarDock - Okay to remove
GoogleGoggles - Okay to Remove
Maps - Okay to Remove
Street - Okay to Remove
HtcCopyright - Okay to Remove
PicoTts - Okay to Remove
GlobalSearch - Okay to Remove
HTMLviewer - Okay to Remove
SetupWizard - Okay to Remove after setup completion
NetworkLocation - Provides Cellular location (safe to remove on Kyros)
VoiceSearchWithKeyboard - Voice search for google apps (Okay to Remove)
LatinImeTutorial - Tutorial for stock keyboard (Okay to Remove once you get another Keyboard app)
GenieWidget - News and Weather widget (Okay to Remove)
VpnServices - Virtual private Network app (Okay to remove)
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter - Okay to remove per link #1
GooglePartnerSetup - Safe to remove per Link #2
Gmail - Gmail App (Okay to Remove)
GmailProvider - provides Gmail functions (Safe to remove)
PassionQuickOffice - Required for Gmail Attachments


GoogleCheckin - Used by Marketplace (Do not remove)
GoogleApps - Used by Marketplace (Do Not Remove)
gtalkservice - Not safe to remove (removing breaks Gmail/Google Talk/Marketplace in 2.1)
Talk - Not safe to remove (removing breaks Gmail/Google Talk/Marketplace in 2.1)
Talkprovider - Not safe to remove (removing breaks Gmail/Google Talk/Marketplace)
Vending - Android Marketplace
Music - Music/Video player
LiveWallpapersPicker - Live wallpaper menu
SpareParts - Advanced Settings menu
SuperUser - Remembers SU settings
googlevoice - Google Voice
SoundRecorder - Sound recorder App (okay to remove)
Calibrate - Calibrates screen
Gallery - Used to access multimedia (Okay to remove)
Settings - Device Settings Menu
AlarmClock - Okay to remove
Phone - Required
PackageInstaller - Used to install packages (Okay to remove)
ApplicationsProvider - Unsure (Left on)
DownloadProvider - Used to download files (Market or Browser)
bugReport - Android debugger (Not required but useful)
SettingsProvider - Settings Sync
Term - Terminal Emulator
ContactsProvider - Contacts Sync
MediaProvider - Used to access media files
MediaUploader - Unsure of stability without. Supposedly okay to remove
MarketUpdater - Required by Android marketplace to refresh apps/downloads
DrmProvider - Provides DRM functions, needed to access media files (Do not remove)
GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider - I believe this is tied to Gapps (Not removing)
GoogleSettingsProvider - Couldn't find enough on this one. Think it is used by GoogleSearch and Location
GoogleBackupTransport - Not Safe to Remove
UserDictionaryProvider - Needed for keyboard apps (unless you have a different dictionary)

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Efferri presents a good example of why mv is better than rm.
If you had used
mv talk.apk talk.bak
then recovery might just be
mv talk.bak talk.apk
You could test in small steps and reset much easier than reinstalling the entire Google Experience apk.
You can not remove the gtalk service apk and still have a working market. There are a lot of interdependancies in the gapps suite. If you are removing google stuff, rename the apk's one at a time and test everything you use to make sure you didn't kill a dependancy.
Yes, they are exactly right. I began to cp to a folder /nand/apk before removing. But renaming by use of the mv command is great too!

Thanks guys!
Ok, you guys have a pretty solid list of apps that can be safely removed. I guess I need to sit down and start getting rid of the bloat.

Thanks everyone for posting your findings. This has helped me out a lot. After the bloat is gone, I need to get my MID7015 to tether to my Android phone or Ad-HOC network.

Speaking of Networking.....

Using the free "ES File Explorer" it was an easy setup to access my Desktop PC.
I can keep media anywhere (SDCard) and launch it from ES File Explorer.


One that still comes back on a cold boot it GTalk and this definitely brings the tablet out of sleep mode. Performing a kill in Running services fixes this until next cold boot. A direct apk kill of GTalk (renaming solution) will cause the market to crash, no loading of apps.

I have Android Market working and I don't see GTalk from a cold boot so "Autostarts" must have killed it.

Anyone know what AlarmService is ( Seems to be related to the Market.
It's in the Running services and I believe it's one of those that wakes the tablet up.
If I kill it, the wake issue stops and there doesn't appear to be any side effects. I would like to permanently kill it but I'm not sure what app is calling it.
Having very little issue with the Wake from sleep problem. This may be the last one that needs killing

I seems to have found a working solution so the tablet doesn't turn back on while sleeping.

Settings->Wireless&Networking->Wifi Settings->(Press Menu)->Click Advanced->Wi-fi Sleep Policy->select NEVER

Found this on another forum, it worked for me. Please let me know if it works for you guys.
I removed VoiceSearchWithKeyboard and lost my keyboard, in fact, downloaded loaded 3rd party virtual keyboard and nothing would work. Pulled in USB keyboard and copied the file back by extracting it from the Google Apps .zip (On my PC) and everything back to normal.
Yes that's a good one and does definitely help with the sleep issue.
I believe this action decides when to switch from Wi-Fi to cell phone data exchange for surfing when out of Wi-Fi range. Last time I checked, I couldn't make a phone call from the tablet... ha ha. Another example of the early days of tablets... wonky phone OS.

I decided to reboot back to the saved rooted image before installing the Market, and guess what, no more problems with the tablet waking up. I may give it a try again to load the Market when I see that the Google Experience of waking up the tablet has been resolved. Maybe a new ROM image by some talented person....
AirborneDude said:
I removed VoiceSearchWithKeyboard and lost my keyboard, in fact, downloaded loaded 3rd party virtual keyboard and nothing would work. Pulled in USB keyboard and copied the file back by extracting it from the Google Apps .zip (On my PC) and everything back to normal.

This is strange as I am not running VoiceSearchWithKeyboard presently, and my BetterKeyboard app is running fine. I will look into this, Thanks.
@Willer, thanks for the info. I might try going back to my backed up image also. My father bought a Coby after having a Sylvania tablet. He asked me to root his this weekend and get the market on it. I told him I would, so I will probably get together with him this weekend. Gives me more experience and get more comfortable messing around with clockwork.

Have you guys noticed? On Coby's website they are advertizing their new line of tablets. They all are sporting a 1ghz CPU with Android 2.3. I wonder if they have the RAM up to 512MB in these new tablets.
COBY - MP3 & Portable - Internet Tablet

That 8 inch tablet looks very nice. And from what I can see, they will be selling them for about the same price as the MID7005 & 7015, at least some of the distributors websites are reporting. I kind of wish I would have waited.

But, I am wondering if the Android 2.3 rom released with these tablets will work with our MID7015....hmmmm..... I think I remember that Android 2.3 is configured better for tablets.
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