Galaxy Tab 2.2 MULTI REQUEST


Aug 30, 2011
Hey there guy! I'm new to this forum but not to computers. I do though need help on a few topics that have been nerving at best said. If someone has the answers that are (EXACT)!!!!! then please respond otherwise you will be fully disrespected....lets begin:

1. I have fully rooted the device. I was looking for a 2.3 upgrade to gingerbread or a 2.3 camera upgrade app. for the Skype. I removed Skype with the hopes in finding those upgrades but could not and now I can't get Skype to take back again on the tablet. I tried everything from fixing space to stopping programs...I'm stumped with all it's error messages. How can I get it back or is it because I'm. Rooted?

2. I want to lessen the O/S capacity level being used. I cannot get it down and I have tried.

3. Where can I find a 2.3 gingerbread upgrade download or where can I go to upgrade this thing. I'm with Verizon!!!

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum


Aug 30, 2011
Hey boys and girls thanks anyway I fixed the problem myself I went into the kernels to unblock the external SD which is now combined with the internal SD. I also tweaked up permissions in certain area's. Next is to look onto the o/s to which I think o found a place to get it from. Even though I want to get Gingerbread o/s I'd rather get the 3.0 instead of the 2.3 cause there is not much difference between 2.2 & 2.3!!!!! Also if anyone hasn't yet take a look at Asus new dual touch screen tablet, it's going for 1,999!???!!!. VRAZY

Sent from my SCH-I800 using Android Tablet Forum


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Joe, welcome to the forum. Glad to hear you got things sorted out. I also totally agree, 2K for a tablet is insane.