newbie to the tablet...need help understanding a few things.


Jul 27, 2012
I need help under standing what it means when a download says I don,t have a device. I have been trying to download Skype so that I can talk to my son who is in the military over seas. Also I have been trying to figre out how to get google play without it telling me I don,t have a device.Is there a certain thing I need to set up before I can do this? PLEASE HELP:cool:


Jul 26, 2012
I am new here, but I can tell you that you will need to root your device in order to get google play up and running. And while there are instructions already posted about how to root your 9742, the time to do it for me was about 4 hours in order to fix the inversion issue that I had. Its really not worth it. Rooting your device will void your warranty...not to mention that ALL the instruction are scattered over 3 threads, with additional files that need to be downloadad in excess of 500 really is a headache. Just read through some of the problems that users have run into on here to get a better understanding of what I am talking about.


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
Rooting your device does not void your warranty. Changing ROMs does not void your warranty. Just be sure to have a stock ROM on the device if you need warranty service. Now, opening the casing of the device? That will void the warranty.

As taledus notes, he's new here. From someone not as new as he, he is right in that you will have to root to get the device up and running with Google Apps. However, it only takes about five minutes to root the device. What taledus isn't telling you is that the bulk of his four hours he spent was because he installed a custom ROM onto his device after rooting.

It is not necessary to install a custom ROM on a device after rooting it.

In fact, I don't have a custom ROM on my device. I use the stock ROM, rooted, and with Google Apps and some tweaks added for better app compatibility. The only issues I had were with adding features not found on the stock ROM, and mainly because I was spoiled with how my Dell Streak did certain things.


Jul 26, 2012
OMG, I thought that was the process in order to root was to install the custom ROM file...I found no instructions to root the 9742 without replacing the files that have been listed on the thread.

Sorry for the misinfo there...


Jul 31, 2012
Hi, i'm a newby also. I'm writing from a linux laptop. But I have a cheap tablet with bad battery life. Okay, to get skype to your set. There is a group out there that has a android store update for the android play (i think the terms were "android play store update download") store. you can search for it with google. download the update to a card, or stick, and use the app center, or the mypad to run the program from the stick. My unit took twice to recognize the new program with the but ws able to access the store now.