[Rumor] Google Could Be Ready to Launch Android 5.0 Jelly Bean This Summer


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Jan 5, 2011

DigiTimes, the online purveyor of interesting info from the world of tech just released a highly speculative report regarding Google's next iteration of Android. DigiTimes' record on such things is hit and miss, sometimes they nail the surprising exclusive that turns out to be big news, while other times there wild assertions turn out to be fodder. Still, for something this big it bears reporting on the off chance that this time is the former rather than the later. According to their report, Google may be planning to launch Android 5.0, Jelly Bean, as early as this summer. Supposedly, Google's decision in this matter is motivated by a desire to beat Microsoft's Windows 8 to market.

This new Android is even further optimized for tablets, and has the unique ability to have dual operating system operation using Android 5.0 or the Google Chrome system, and be able to switch between the two. Here's a quote from the PhoneArena article with some final details,

According to DigiTimes, since Ice Cream Sandwich did not live up to expectations, some of Google's downstream partners are wary about Android 5.0. While the vast majority of Android users are weeks or months away from Android 4.0, it might seem strange to even be thinking about it now. But with Google I/O slowly coming into view (June 27-29th), it won't be too long until we start hearing all about Jelly Bean.

It's hard to know how to feel about this news. Obviously, the initial reaction is to deny it because it seems purely speculative; however, if it turns out to be true, then we are in the unenviable position of conflicting emotions. On the one had, it's always fun to get excited about a new Android OS. On the other hand, it seems like it would be way too soon to see Android 5.0, because by this summer there still won't be very many devices running Ice Cream Sandwich. Share your thoughts on this crazy rumor.

Source: Android.net via PhoneArena
Hmmmm I guess Google have to get used to be the market leader in the Mobile OS world. It should be MS and Apple that is chasing Google. If Google is going to react to every little move the "small players" are making we will soon be on Android 431.034 and everybody would be tired of upgrading their tablet and instead go for Windows 9.12.

And by the way they might also run out of food related names. Who would want a phone or tablet with Android 431.034 liver Pudding?
Also read that Google did this so that they could have the manufacturers build the tablets to dule boot with windows.
Which sounds CARAAAAAAZY.
Why would they want to voluntarily sell a tablet with their OS and windows.
Personally I would never buy one and would end up going to the IPad full time. If I wanted a windows OS on my tablet I would have bought it that way.
Don't like windows, don't trust windows and don't want it on my tablet.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
The most exciting item in this rumor is this: ". . .dual operating systemoperation using Android 5.0 or the Google Chrome . . ." Does that mean a touch version of Chrome?
I'm not worried about Jelly Bean at all since I won't be in the market for another tablet for a year. I'm happy with my Transformer, and waiting patiently for the upgrade to ICM.

HAY! !s your tablet a Transformer TF101?
If so, how is it. My sister is looking at them as opposed to the Prime since the Prime has so many issues.
If it is the 101 please post a review in the Asus section I would be very interested to hear your opinion of it.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
man, the amount of android platforms running on various mobile devices is getting out of hand. they better do something soon. the legacy OS are not benefiting the final consumer by any means
dgstorm, excellent post - thank you.

I enjoyed the insight and personal analysis you added to the small bit of information from DigiTimes.

Yeah, there are issues, manufacturers are moving ahead too fast, with too many devices, models, submodels to properly support them. End users like myself end up stranded, when the small manufacturer of my tablet (Matsunichi, aka Le Pan) simply decides to freeze development on my model, and pursue new models.

With their limited staff, I understand they can't work on too many fronts. But stop cannibalizing your own product line with new devices every 6 months. :(

Google plays the game at the highest level, they probably perceive the risks of moving too fast, alienating users, etc.

But they got to stand out if MS is coming out with their Win8 this summer/early Fall.

Apple does it better, imo, one year product cycle is reasonable, keeps the fanboys happy until it's time to fork out again, lol. :p

Thank you, good discussions from this topic! ;)