Haipad M701 latest firmaware: Android 2.3 (2G Samsung, Micron 4G).


Jan 20, 2011
I find it today on Haipad's download page:

Haipad M701 Android 2.3 version
- download page here
- description:
Haipad M701 ANDROID 2.3固件(三星2G,镁光4G)。此固件是99PAD 派友albertdsh 优化版本。在此感谢albertdsh 对海纳的支持。
- google translate:
Haipad M701 ANDROID 2.3 firmware (Samsung 2G, Micron 4G). This firmware is 99PAD albertdsh optimized version of the Friends School. Like to thank albertdsh support of Heiner.
We welcome friends to send optimized firmware, so that more school friends, to experience faster and more smoothly in the system.

Haipad M701 HY4G ANDROID2.3 0419
- download page here
- description:
此固件是HAIPAD M701 HY 4Gr ANDROID 2.3固件版本,基本功能已经完善。
- google translate:
This firmware is HAIPAD M701 HY 4Gr ANDROID 2.3 firmware version, the basic function has been improved.

Doing a little search, I could find this release from the developer albertdsh from 99pad.com: here

I think that the non HY version is an albertdsh mod of the HY version, like it says on Haipad's download page. That's why, it seems that 2G Samsung/4G Micron version has a lot of chinesse stuff and it's rooted, while 4G HY version don´t have chinesse stuff and it isn't rooted .

I'll post first impressions later on second post.
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Jan 20, 2011
What I found in the "HY4G" version:

Android Version:

Kernel Version
cbsgpq@CBServer #12

Build Number
full_m57te-eng 2.3.1 GRH78 20110414.162501 test-keys

Wi-Fi => OK
BT (via USB dongle) => not working (in 2.1/2.2 it woks)
Touch Response => similar to latest 2.1 (2011.01.11), less than 2.2.
Accelerometer => OK
Video => OK
Audio => OK
Camera => OK
Recovery => no working (try flashing Clockworkmod does not work)
Root => not rooted (but easily can be rooted)

Market => OK
Youtube => OK
GAPPS => OK (GMail, Maps, GTalk, ...)
Aldiko => OK
Root Explorer => OK
Angry Birds => OK! (no mali.ko fix needed; I had to remove sdcard to install it)
Raging Thunder => OK (not reversed axis)

In this version no chinesse stuff is present, english locale full (although personally I use spanish locale, also full)
Keyboard => complete latin keyboard
Nand mounted like "sdcard" / sdcard mounted like "tflash" (folder inside "sdcard")
Home, Volume soft-buttons in notification bar
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Feb 1, 2011

Can you please share the process you used to root this device? I've not had much luck. Tried GingerBreak instructions using adb and also directly from the tablet.



Jan 20, 2011

Can you please share the process you used to root this device? I've not had much luck. Tried GingerBreak instructions using adb and also directly from the tablet.


Using ADB:

adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb shell reboot

Make sure you have su and Superuser.apk on adb folder (attached on the zip).


  • $RootM701.zip
    133.2 KB · Views: 2,183


Feb 1, 2011

Thanks for the update. That is exactly what I needed. Not sure why it did not work before but using your zip files and instructions, my pad is rooted!


Feb 1, 2011
Same here. I have not had a FC or any other problems. I did notice that the Marketplace is not showing some of my apps; LauncherPro for example. Had a similar issue with my Elocity A7 and found that I needed to use an older version of Vending.apk. I can side load the missing apps since I have then saved elsewhere but it would be nice to have the Marketplace show all my apps.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2010
2GB version - tested on my 2GB M701-R with Samsung chips

Accelerated 3D Graphics
-- Angry Birds without white blocks!
-- Raging Thunder actually runs now, no white blocks, but axis was off by 90 degrees
-- VICE Emulator now works
HDMI audio/video output
USB Host MAY work (Loonix had issues with usb, but I got several devices to work on mine)
-- optical mouse
-- my case with integrated keyboard
-- thumb drive (mounts under /sdcard/scsi_sda1 - unmount through Settings>Storage>SCSI )
Root (has su and SuperUser on it already)
MicroSD (mounts under /sdcard/tflash )
Mounts as USB Drive when connected to desktop
Stereo Sound via Headphone
Market+Google Apps (still no 3D Google Maps)
YouTube App
Battery Level
Live Wallpapers (you need to pull LiveWallpapersPicker.apk from SDK and push it to tablet)
Is very fast/responsive compared to 2.1

No English Keyboard installed (pull it from 2.3.1 SDK and push it to tablet, it's an excellent keyboard too)
Will be in Chinese after flashing rom
Default Browser crashes as soon as a page loads
-- I pulled the Browser.apk from the SDK and replaced installed one, still crashes. :(
-- Dolphin and Opera Mini both work fine
-- Opera Mobile a bit unstable (maybe it is anyway, I don't know)
-- Firefox 4 Mobile installs but won't start
Notification Bar sometimes garbled (corrects on rotation)
M701-R Remote Control no longer functional
No Adobe Flash support
Battery drains faster than Eclair in standby mode
No HOME, or VOLUME soft-buttons in Notification Bar

3G Modem
Anything else not mentioned
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Dec 30, 2010
==I tried all of the things that Offworld the great goddess of the sky said to do and my keyboard I believe is the same as your and also works.

==I tried Angry birds normal version as well as Rio and I am now as happy as a pig in a flimsy sometimes sturdy but soon to be knocked down building.

==What is this tflash folder for the flash card, I don't care too much as long as it works (it will mean I have to copy some files around but that's okay).

==Small fonts set is cool.

==Included browser worked fine for me.

==Sound is great and films play however some mkv files don't play sound, this is solved however if you download vital player the fuller version and not the lite version from the market. Go into settings and decode mode and you can either try auto detection which will usually try to use hardware mode or set to software mode which will play the majority of films as long as they are not too beefed up films (meaning over 4gb)

==Because I am going over the 4gb FAT limit on my usb hdd this is why my drive is in ntfs format for it's file system which the previous versions didn't read unless you added some fix. This version 2.3 works straight out of the box so to speak in reading the drive and playing files from the ntfs partition. I say straight from the drive I plugged it in and nothing on the third occasion it worked but whilst checking if it played films the drive then began to suck power like a thirsty vampire sucking it's first feed of blood. Don't forget to unmount your blood sucking predator before unplugging it. Through Settings>Storage>Scsi settings unload the beast. It loads itself as a Scsi device in the same way as a usb stick does.

==Didn't notice any problems with the Notification Bar Offworld mentioned hers was sometimes garbled (I didn't notice this)

==Need to run the phone fix from offworld's post in this forum because there is no phone and this is another battery life sucking fiend, my Spare parts>Battery History doesn't work now because of this removal of phone.apk however but if it means more juice then juice is better than the history of my battery. Never did like history anyways.

==I am happy with the build but I would prefer if I had rooted it myself rather than being pre-rooted. I did try to reroot it with z4 root but it didn't work because the update only worked on previous 2.2. Also if offworld is feeling a little more generous or anyone else for the matter of fact. Can anyone help in getting rid of applanet, youku and I believe the other video program with the chinese symbols around it and the crying eye.

Anyone else with 2.1 or 2.2 should now feel safe to give this a try it is like what you want your pad to work like with a few minor but solvable annoyances.


Apr 24, 2011
Hello to all and Greetings from Greece :)

i am a proud owner of a haipad m701 hy 4g and flashed the 2.3 version from haipad website. it is working just fine, but i am having a small problem with it. I cannot find a compatible joydev.ko file so i can use a joypad with it for the version 2.3. The android SDK doesn't have anything like this. Does anybody know where to find it or how to do it? thanks a lot :)


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2010
@Lingerie2Order - I should think that removing the preinstalled apps could be done the same way as getting rid of the EOEMarket app on the original firmware. The actual names of the programs are:


I wonder why your default browser is fine and mine crashes? Weird. Notification bar only garbled when I was plugging/unplugging usb stuff, it hasn't done it again since that first day though.

You shouldn't generally need to move files around because of the "tflash" folder (so named because MicroSD was once known as "transflash"). So long as whatever app you're using can look in the subfolders of /sdcard/ it will find the /sdcard/tflash no problem. So far everything that normally scans the MicroSD card for support files has worked - including games that cache stuff to it.

I'm still not entirely convinced that removing the Phone.apk buys you anything above just running in "Airplane Mode" all the time. That removing it disables some apps was enough reason for me to put it back on my previous firmware and not remove it on this one. YMMV.

This does seem to be a very rock-solid and (almost) complete Gingerbread build. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone with this tablet who isn't afraid to flash roms and tweak with ADB.


Jan 8, 2011
teorically would be possible to port this release to the s22 tablet? It have similar hardware... very similar


Oct 10, 2010
I would like to know if it is possible to revert to the official 2.1 if you want. I like my tablet like it is now, but I would really like to try this new version.