Which tablets should I buy for my kids (aged 10 and 5 years)


Sep 13, 2012
I'm looking to buy tablets for my kids for Xmas to keep them off my ipad.

They will use them for playing games, and perhaps for reading a few books (10 year old)

Maximum spend per tablet would be $150USD, but preferably a bit cheaper, say around the $90 -120USD mark. So the budget is the latter, but if I got much better value for money, I'd spring for the extra $.

Screen size - anything larger than 7 inch would be fine.

Really, I need something that works straight from the box, happy to look at a few videos on youtube, and can follow clear step by step instructions, and have downloaded apps from the Play store in the past, but I am not that good on technical solutions. Although I can see I would be consulting this forum a lot!!

We did have an Onda VX610W, that worked for a couple of weeks and then went into a loop, where it just kept loading but never got to the point of allowing unlocking. Eventually I sent it back and they "fixed it", and returned it to me, in working order. But this exercise cost me a bit in postage! Then a couple of says later the 5 year old got irritated by a game not being responsive enough and managed to slam the device down and crack the the screen. Yes, I know I probably shouldn't be buying him another one for Xmas, but I think he has learned the "fragility" lesson.

We live in New Zealand, so the buying options locally are limited. Which means I will need to buy on line and ship from overseas.

If I have to buy from overseas is there any reason to prefer the US over china? are the products exactly the same or is there better quality control for the US market. I looked at prices at androidinabox but then saw on another forum some unfavourable comments about the site. Basically I am going to have to post it somewhere if there is a problem, but I would like to start with something as stable as possible, so the likelihood of having to send it away for repairs is reduced, but if I do need to send it away, I would like to know that it will arrive back again, and be able to send it away without having too many communication difficulties. That said pandawill and the ainol site both look like they have good support, but I accept that things are not always as they seem.

Options that I have read about so far and looked at reviews of are:

Ainol novo 7 Mars?
Ainol novo 7 Aurora II?
ONDA brand tabs again (perhaps better the devil you know...), but which one?

BUT I am open to any other options

Is there something coming out for Xmas that I should wait for?


Sep 13, 2012
Thanks for those suggestions. I was looking for something that was more like a "proper tablet". THe 10 year old has and ipod, and so is reasonably familiar with intuitive technology, so I think she might baulk at the idea of something that looks so made for children. So, I guess in my price range I am looking for something chinese. The other question is should I buy it from China or the US, and are there any advantages. I am thinking that for an extra $20, I'd rather know that it was genuine, but how do I ensure that? buying from US, or buying from the Ainol store or equivalent.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
I don't think you'd have a problem if you bought from the Ainol store or any of the other Supporting Vendors here on the forum.