wireless issue on AMID-972XS


Oct 23, 2012

among the many issues I have with this tablet, one which bothers me is the poor wireless communications. Does anyone else find that if they are not within a close range to the wireless access point that you get no signal and drop offs?

I go to a room only 10 meters away and my phone gets better more reliable wireless connection than this table does. Heck my phone and my laptop connect me across the road!

Then there is the issue of wireless dropping off when there are more than one SSID's on the same channel. I get constant drop offs on this tablet while again my phone (Nokia E72) just gives me great signal.

Is there any way that the wireless config can be updated via some sort of remote access *without* rooting the tablet?



Sep 8, 2012
Have you done the firmware update yet? If not, see the thread about it. It may help you.
I tend to use WiFi Manager to administer my Android devices wireless needs, it makes it easy. Do you use more than one wireless connection for it? The device will try to connect to the same AP normally and you may have to tell it to connect to another. WiFi Manager is fantastic for this and also has great widgets to make it easy.
I find my tablet works well on wireless.


Also, WiFi Analyzer is great for checking channels etc when setting your router manually.


And I also use Fing Network Tools. It's really handy to reverse lookup a network and see the devices etc, and get MAC addresses, ping, look up services etc. I was using it last night to check if a security DVR was on the network. Fantastic app.

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Oct 23, 2012
Have you done the firmware update yet? If not, see the thread about it. It may help you.
had not, will do :)

I tend to use WiFi Manager to administer my Android devices wireless needs, it makes it easy. Do you use more than one wireless
well I resort to that when I'm at work, at home its fine. The tablet works fine in simple environments but gets confused at my university campus (I assume because there are so many similar SSID's

my Nokia however does not ... nor my Galaxy running Froyo ... so either its an ICS issue or its the tablet.

I find my tablet works well on wireless.
good ...

Also, WiFi Analyzer is great for checking channels etc when setting your router manually.
already using that. Its like watching a camel race seeing the humps move around.


And I also use Fing Network Tools. It's really handy to reverse lookup a network and see the devices etc, and get MAC addresses, ping, look up services etc. I was using it last night to check if a security DVR was on the network. Fantastic app.


sorry, but since my Nokia, my Samsung, everyone's iPhone and all the iPads work fine right out of the box if something as simple as connecting to a more complex access point scenario than "I'm at home with one AP" stumps the system, then its speaks reams for how fragile and dinky this system really is ... perhaps I just expect things to work?


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
I don't think it is an ICS specific issue or there would be many hundreds more complaints. Not all devices work the same with all router settings and sometimes that can indeed be the problem, (of course it could be your tablet). Someone on this forum had a similar issue a few weeks ago and changed their router channel to 1 and the problem(s) went away.

I have some additional tips in a link in my sig. Maybe something there will help, or not!


Oct 18, 2012
sorry, but since my Nokia, my Samsung, everyone's iPhone and all the iPads work fine right out of the box if something as simple as connecting to a more complex access point scenario than "I'm at home with one AP" stumps the system, then its speaks reams for how fragile and dinky this system really is ... perhaps I just expect things to work?

Pellicle, I'm with you on this, when I buy something I dont expect or want to have to go chasing bloody updates to get it to work.
A lot of this Technobabble is way over my head and I dont have a clue what its about like 'Rooting', 'Jailbreaking', 'Bricking', 'jellybeans' etc.
I have only worked out that 'Tethering' is just another way of saying 'Connected' !!!
I really dont see why I should have to pay for an 'APP' (another new bloody term) to make the Tablet work when it should do so when bought !!!


Sep 22, 2012
My wireless has been good. No dropouts or poor signal and signal strength on my home wifi is exactly the same, according to network signal info app, as my galaxy s when it was running ICS and it's even a bit better than my galaxy s now that it's running jellybean. And I have tested tablet and phone together at different places around the house.

Tethering to my galaxy s has worked very well too, always connects as soon as I activate it on my phone

One thing that does bug me about my 972xs wireless is that after I wake it with the power button it shows no internet in the notification panel and it's a little slow to reconnect both at home and on my phone.


Oct 23, 2012
One thing that does bug me about my 972xs wireless is that after I wake it with the power button it shows no internet in the notification panel and it's a little slow to reconnect both at home and on my phone.

and that too!

I can not get WiFi hotspot to work with AdHOC wireless, when you set it up on your galaxy I'm pretty certain that you set an infrastructure WiFI accesspoint. I know that all meanings in life drift, but once upon a time I understood wifi hotspot meant an adhoc sharing arrangement.

seeing as my phone supplies WiFi Hotspot with Joikuspot you just can't access it. You may google this and discover just how many people have identified this issue


Oct 23, 2012
I don't think it is an ICS specific issue or there would be many hundreds more complaints.

oh, but there already are. Nearly always a poster gets swamped by fanboys and noone has the experience to stand up and provide solid evidence. Either that or they just lurk and await solutions.

My neighbour is just one such. He's an engineer and his SG LTE with ICS (and his wifes S Note 7) will not connect to a WiFi point reliably. He's tried a new router at home, mine here ... so he's 3G or too bad. He can only get his wife on WiFi if he makes his SG LTE into a wifi infrastructure point and gives her that to slup off


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
One thing that does bug me about my 972xs wireless is that after I wake it with the power button it shows no internet in the notification panel and it's a little slow to reconnect both at home and on my phone.

I have solved that problem by doing the following, (your settings location may be different) but there should be a spot somewhere to tell your tablet to keep the WiFi on while sleeping. On mine it is set to always. Then install an app from the Store called Auto Airplane Mode, (by DON). My tablet's WiFi is on before I can even get the passcode input and it uses only about 2% battery power over night.


Sep 8, 2012
I must admit, the slow wake up of wifi can be a tad annoying if you're in a hurry, but it's just a power conservation setting. If it didn't sleep you would then complain of battery issues. Look at the new iP5, many complaints regarding battery. I think Apple released the phone with a lot of stuff turned on so it is fast, responsive and impresses the fanboys. They soon tire of charging twice a day and start turning things off :)

BTW, the 2XS has a 3 point performance mode setting for the CPU too. It comes set on medium.

I'm leaving my wifi in auto sleep mode, it wakes up and connects reliably for me anyway. I take my tablet with me sometimes, so it has to connect to my home wifi, dad's wifi, maccas wifi or to my phone when set to wifi tether. I also tether to my laptop with the phone, but USB tether also works great and only have one power cord then, phone charges off lappy.
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Sep 22, 2012
Well I prefer the saved battery over a little lag time reconnecting, it's only about 5 seconds but still enough to notice. It's a bit annoying because my phone doesn't do it and I just checked it's set to turn off wifi during sleep too. Anyway it's a minor thing for me.
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Sep 8, 2012
I guess with PC getting so fast these days, little things with portable devices easily frustrate. That balance between performance/response/convenience versus the battery consumption will always be a problem.

I found I had to adjust my expectations to reflect the reality of that. I even updated my desktop PC to quad core because trying to use the quad core laptop for power hungry tasks was just heating it too much and thermally throttling it anyway, despite the engineered ability, it was hamstrung by physical limitations of design.


Oct 23, 2012
I guess with PC getting so fast these days, .
well in terms of usability, aside from the bigger screen my Nokia E72 Whoops it

even editing this reply window was a pita. if I tried to select text i couldnt and the predictive text for some reason fails to activate on any of the text input boxes on this site

lowered expectations help I guess


Sep 8, 2012
well in terms of usability, aside from the bigger screen my Nokia E72 Whoops it

even editing this reply window was a pita. if I tried to select text i couldnt and the predictive text for some reason fails to activate on any of the text input boxes on this site

lowered expectations help I guess

Maybe you should install TouchPal 5......


Have a look. It's working fantastic on mine. I can select text, prediction is good but I have it set to just show suggestions, not make the change automatically. It has a button to close the keyboard and also one to search, so works better in a browser and a forum. It just seems more intuitive. I've now installed it to all my Android devices and now putting it on my wife's too.

Sent from my AMID-972XS using Tapatalk 2
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