Amazon AppStore Usage Skyrockets 500% Over Last Year


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

If there was any doubt that Android and the Kindle Fire tablets are a resounding success, then you can probably dispel that theory now. To go along with rising sales of Android tablets, and especially the Kindle Fire products, we now have word from Amazon that their Appstore has skyrocketed in use. App downloads from Amazon's Appstore have risen 500% since last year. Here's a quote with a few more details,

“Amazon offers the best end-to-end solution for app and game developers,” said Aaron Rubenson, Director of Amazon Appstore for Android. “Developers can use Amazon Web Services’ building blocks as the infrastructure for their games. To enhance customer engagement, they can add features like GameCircle’s Leaderboards, Achievements, Friends, and Whispersync. Amazon’s In-App Purchasing allows developers to generate additional income. Finally, since discovery can be a major challenge for app developers, we’re providing more and more ways to help developers reach customers on Amazon, Kindle Fire devices, and in our Appstore. We’re working hard to make lives easier for developers, and to give them more ways to grow their business.”

Of course, it probably shouldn't come as a surprise that the Amazon Appstore is seeing tremendous success. Amazon has pulled off a marketing miracle with the Kindle Fire and Fire HD line of products. Their tight integration of this popular and affordable tablet within their entire Amazon ecosystem was exactly what they were aiming for. Right now the three big dogs in this field are the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and the Amazon Appstore. This market dominance will likely only increase as time goes on, since these three competitors have the most well established consumer ecosystems on the planet.

Source: Kindle-Fireforum via BGR


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
Well the App Store has been very successful particularly with a free app of the day. However, I wouldn't give all of the credit to Kindle. Although I am sure it has good sales, any Android device that can allow unknown sources (check the box in settings) can use the Amazon App Store. I for one have something like 7 non-Kindle devices that are linked to the Amazon App Store (two accounts) and I have about an equal amount of apps from it as I do from Google Play Store.

Either way big kudos to Amazon for providing the first name brand open App Store that can be used even if you don't have their device (there are others but Amazon is definitely more well known).



Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
You hit on it JP. From the standpoint of some of the brands of tablets here on the forum that can't get the Google app -- Amazon has made it much easier for many of them. Just my $0.02