Any opinions on Asus Transformer versus Xoom?


Dec 9, 2010

I'm in the UK and currently wavering between these two (and possibly the LG Optimus). Whichever I go for 4G isn't an issue over here; it's purely wifi. Are there any clear hardware benefits to one or another?

ASUS clearly has the better dock, which has built in battery, full HDMI, and a nicer keyboard. It does cost extra, but if you want to carry the tablet around, you would need a case to cover up the front anyways.

ASUS also has worldwide warranty, I think...
The built in battery for the dock is a very nice feature. I am curious what is the average battery life for the Transformer? I know that the Xoom gets between 10 - 12 hours of battery life. I was able to squeeze out 11 hours yesterday on mine.
Supposedly the Transformer alone has an 8 hour battery life and a further 8 hours with the dock. Thanks for the discussion.
If I was over there I would get the ASUS, the specs are great and it is still cheaper than the XOOM WITH the laptop dock.

The viewing angle on the XOOM looks shocking, that is why I am holding out for new Samsung, plus it is also lighter and for what I want, I want big and light.

With that said, if the Samsung wasn't announced, definitely get ASUS
p.s. was a big time XOOM fan before it came out
The ASUS probably wont ship till early May. That's a long time to wait.
As I've been wavering for about three months anyway, waiting for 3.0, I have no problems with waiting a few more weeks. The Xoom isn't released here yet either. Either way, I think we'll see some price adjustments happening over the next week weeks and I'm happy to wait for that to happen. I was already leaning towards the Asus, and it does seem like that might be the way to go. Odd gripe though; I do wish the tablet itself had a full size USB, rather than just having one on the dock.
The Transformer has a lot more features that appeal to me. In having played with the Xoom several times in BB, I wasn't overly impressed. Mostly was disappointed in the lesser quality screen. It is looking like the Transformer will have a nicer display, and pretty much everything else about the Transformer is nicer too IMHO. But until user reviews come in we don't know for sure. Plus I like to have hands-on time with the units before I buy, but that will only happen if BB carries the Transformer.
BB was advertising the Transformer for $400 without the dock, but they took down that page.

The Transformer looks like it will be the best option when it comes out.

Sent from my DROID 2 using the Android Tablets app
someone gave the viewing angles on the xoom as a reason not to consider it. My own experience is the screen on the xoom is very good with no complaints about viewing angles (no shade inversion type effects).
I've also bought asus products and would expect the build quality to be lower than the xoom. The asus is a very interesting product and I might be tempted if I required 'composition' over 'consumption'. I don't know where honeycomb stands on keyboards but certainly navigation is 'touch' optimized and if navigation is provided with the keyboard, you're going to be dealing with a GUI overlay (like HTC sense & MotoBlur) and all the issues that come with.
I'm in exactly the same position... so conflicted! I have actually ordered the Xoom but should have a couple of days to cancel if I decide to go for the Transformer instead!

Here's how I see the advantages of each device:

- Googles flagship Honeycomb tablet with stock Honeycomb so future updates should be speedy.
- Smaller than Transformer (smaller height & width but same thickness)
- Camera features flash and front facing cam is better
- Features a barometer. IMHO I can't see this ever being a killer feature but at least one weather app does already use it

- Cheaper (£380 versus £500 for basic models, and you can even get it with the dock for £450! Yes the £380 model is only 16GB but I gather the 32GB variant will go on sale at a later date, and tbh as you can use a SD Card I'm not too worried anyway)
- Better screen. Great looking IPS screen with wide viewing angles, and Gorilla Glass for safety. This isn't to say the Xooms screen is poor and I think it may actually have Gorilla Glass also but I get the impression the Transformer has the superior screen overall.
- Transformer keyboard dock. As I have a netbook I can't say this is a killer feature for me but may it be for others, and at only £50 extra it's an accessory I would buy for the flexibility and extra battery & ports it offers.
- Better choice of material for back. I haven't used either Tablets but I get the impression the material used on the Xoom could get dirty n scruffed up, whereas the Transformers back looks like it would be tough and be good to grip!
- Better speakers? Judging from what I hear about the Xoom speaker quality and their placement (on the rear) and looking at the Transormers stereo speakers I would guess the Transformers would be superior but can't say so without trying hands-on myself for certainty.

There may be other issues I'm forgetting but I think that about covers it. One thing I touched upon is an issue that worries me - The Transformer features a ASUS own skin over Honeycomb so I fear updates will be slower to arrive than the Xoom. Having said that, the ASUS skin doesn't seem to heavy so hopefully updates shouldn't be too tricky... just a risk you would have to take I guess!

As I said, I'm still undecided personally.... Money isn't too much of an issue personally but I do still feel the Xoom is overpriced and tbh I'm this close to cancelling my Xoom order!

What are other peoples thoughts?
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I'm in the same position. I have pre-ordered the Transformer from Amazon and have until 18th to cancel so am busy looking at any info/reviews etc to either confirm my decision or make me cancel. I originally thought the Xoom was better but having scanned a few forums it seems that the screen is a bit hit and miss...some forums suggest there are 2 different screens, one with a good vibrant display but light bleed around the edges and the other screen with no light bleed but a dull, less colourful display.
I think the only thing that I am still not too sure of is the "skin" or overlay on the transformer. Some say it is only a few extra widgets and apps but how would it affect future updates.....
It appears there's 2 different lcd panels being shipped with the xoom, one apparently 'better' than the other.
I read it somewhere on the android-centric forum circuit, can't find it now. You can check the manufacturer of the panel by finding the relevant info in dmesg using a terminal emulator.
This makes it difficult to get a true impression from reviews/forums.