can't add bookmarks


Jul 20, 2011
another issue I noticed with the iconia tab is the inability to add bookmarks to the stock browser. You can add bookmarks to the home screen but not to the bookmarks section of the browser. Also the synch with chrome does not work.

I have my chrome browser set up to sync and it works perfectly with my netbook but not the tab.

I installed the maxthon browser, imported my bookmarks from chrome and synced my bookmarks online. I was then able to sync the bookmarks with my tab.

I can also add bookmarks with the maxthon browser and they appear in the bookmarks section.

Seems to be an issue with the stock browser.

Anybody else having this bookmarks issue or able to sync with chrome?
Nope. No problems adding book marks at all using the stock browser.

Find the page you want to book mark and press the star. If its not pointing to the correct folder select the folder you want. Then press done.

For Syncing bookmarks with Google Chrome: Things to set:
1) Tablet Must log into google as the same account as your desktop Chrome browser.
2) In accounts and Sync, check both boxes, Tap Iconia tab uncheck it (its useless), Tap your google account, check everything, especially bookmarks and browser
3) In Browser, settings, General Set sync to same Google account, check your spelling

On your desktop, hit the wrench, make sure you have Under-the-Hood set for syncing book marks.
I have the same problem and all my sync options are correctly set as described.
I have the same problem and all my sync options are correctly set as described.
This is a prpblem which affects all tablet makes since the v3.1 update some months back. If you Google it, or if you click the link in the other thread, it will tkae you to the comment by a Google Tech that they have become aware of tne problem and are currently looking into it.
The link is in the thread called Bookmarks started by alphatango81.