[CFW] TsunamiMod for Coby Kyros MID7024

@steev I noticed that you are creating an extra partintion in the internal SD and using it as "vendor", any special reason for this?

Also, I missed the PowerVR drivers from OpenGL (they go in the vendor folder in the AllDro2/MPMAN folder), is it really missing?
@steev I noticed that you are creating an extra partintion in the internal SD and using it as "vendor", any special reason for this?

Also, I missed the PowerVR drivers from OpenGL (they go in the vendor folder in the AllDro2/MPMAN folder), is it really missing?

The newer urbetter firmwares mount the rootfs partition on /system/vendor (in /etc/check_property.sh), so I thought I'd make use of it.

I moved pvrsrvinit to /system/bin because the vendor partition is not mounted yet when init.rc tries to load it.
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gonna give it a try. v0.3 developed by you have some issues are you gonna still working on it steev? to post 'em :D

Edit: hahaha the ac/dc song made me write still instead of KEEP :p

I will try to fix as many of the issues reported as I can.
The newer urbetter firmwares mount the rootfs partition on /system/vendor (in /etc/check_property.sh), so I thought I'd make use of it.

Hmm, but you copy mmc/vendor to root/system, shouldn't be /root/sysem/vendor? I am lost... In Vernox's mod /system/vendor is empty. What am I missing? :confused:

I moved pvrsrvinit to /system/bin because the vendor partition is not mounted yet when init.rc tries to load it.

Oh, OK. Got it. Thanks!
Hmm, but you copy mmc/vendor to root/system, shouldn't be /root/sysem/vendor? I am lost... In Vernox's mod /system/vendor is empty. What am I missing? :confused:

This command:
cp -rf mmc/vendor root/system/vendor

Will do either 2 things:

1. If the folder root/system/vendor already exists, it will copy the folder "mmc/vendor" into "root/system/vendor/"
So we'd end up with "root/system/vendor/vendor"

2. If the folder root/system/vendor doesn't exist, the command will work as expected

This command:
cp -rf mmc/vendor root/system/

Will copy the folder "vendor" into "root/system/".
If a folder "root/system/vendor" already exists, the 2 folders will be merged

Hope that makes sense
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OK, thanks. One more question (actaully 2): is slow_work.ko needed for ntfs support? What are the components of the ntfs mod so I can add it to my CFW, if it's OK with you, of course. ;)
OK, thanks. One more question (actaully 2): is slow_work.ko needed for ntfs support? What are the components of the ntfs mod so I can add it to my CFW, if it's OK with you, of course. ;)

No you don't need slow_work.ko.
I think that is only needed for mounting CIFS (Common Internet Filesystem)

You need:
system/lib/modules/ntfs.ko (optional, for read-only mount)

You also need to create a folder named "scsi" in the root directory for USB ntfs mount to work.

This patch has all the needed files

NTFS can be mounted either with the ntfsvolume app or from the command line with:
ntfs-3g /dev/block/<device> /mnt/<mountpoint>

I'm hoping to eventually patch vold to automatically mount ntfs partitions with ntfs-3g, but that is a little beyond my ability right now.


Also, notes on building ntfs-3g for android:
# used code sourcery toolchain arm-2009q3-67
export PATH=/opt/arm-2009q3/bin:$PATH
export CC="arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc"
export CFLAGS="-O2 -static"
export LDFLAGS="-static"
./configure --disable-ntfsprogs --enable-really-static --host=arm-linux
mkdir dist
make install DESTDIR=$PWD/dist
# strip debug symbols to save space
find dist/ | xargs file | grep -e executable -e "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -d: -f1 | xargs arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip --strip-unneeded
# the static binaries will be in the "dist" folder
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thanks for the great CFW, but i got a question... this is the utscrip.cfg:

# Here you can set the cache, data, and rootfs partition sizes (units = MiB)

doesnt this configures data enough for a 2GB internal SD, but MID7024 (mine) got a 4GB internal SD, what about the 2GB left?? can i just increase the SIZE_DATA until i reach 4GB??
thanks for the great CFW, but i got a question... this is the utscrip.cfg:

# Here you can set the cache, data, and rootfs partition sizes (units = MiB)

doesnt this configures data enough for a 2GB internal SD, but MID7024 (mine) got a 4GB internal SD, what about the 2GB left?? can i just increase the SIZE_DATA until i reach 4GB??

Hi terry,

The remaining space will be given to the /sdcard partition (the one that shows up on your PC in USB storage mode).
I forgot to mention that in the config file
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Hi terry,

The remaining space will be given to the /sdcard partition (the one that shows up on your PC in USB storage mode).
I forgot to mention that in the config file

Thanks a lot!!

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
@steev @lfom I´ll exchange the internal SD for the first time (going 8 GB class 6) and reflash Tsunami 1.2. I can´t my calibration hold well, I tried steeve´s tip but nothing changed. I replace OFW ut_tscal.apk in /system/apps before flashing and it´s done or do I have do to do something else? And as for SD different size, change any config? Seen you guys discussing the matter and I'm not sure what to do, any input would help...
@steev @lfom I´ll exchange the internal SD for the first time (going 8 GB class 6) and reflash Tsunami 1.2. I can´t my calibration hold well, I tried steeve´s tip but nothing changed. I replace OFW ut_tscal.apk in /system/apps before flashing and it´s done or do I have do to do something else? And as for SD different size, change any config? Seen you guys discussing the matter and I'm not sure what to do, any input would help...

So you're installing the firmware again, after replacing the internal card, right? If yes, remove the calibration app from utv210_root.tgz and add the new one (ut-tscal) so the new one is flashed. As it's a new installation, you don't need to clear cache as steev explained earlier.

About the bigger card, you don't need to do anything, the extra space will be added to the /sdcard partition. You only have to change the partition values if you want a bigger "internal area" (normally it's 1.5GB and it's more than enough IMO, at least until we can find a fix for the slower boot with increasing number of installed apks).
sunset0202, while using the Zeam launcher (the same launcher used in Tsunami) on Alldro2 I noticed that I was randomly losing my touchscreen calibration. I'm still not sure if Zeam was the cause, but after switching back to the Alldro2 stock launcher I have not had this problem.

So it might help to use the stock launcher from the 1010 firmware (I believe this is what Tsunami is based on)
It seems that the only way to actually reduce boot time in Gingerbread is moving apks to SD. There are some utilities that do it in batch, so you don't have to do one by one using Settings -> Applications. Not all apps can be moved either, but it seems that if you do it with the external SD out, they still work when extsd is mounted again. I was worried because of that property we use to seamlessly use extsd as sdcard. It seems a good solution IMO...
sunset0202, while using the Zeam launcher (the same launcher used in Tsunami) on Alldro2 I noticed that I was randomly losing my touchscreen calibration. I'm still not sure if Zeam was the cause, but after switching back to the Alldro2 stock launcher I have not had this problem.

So it might help to use the stock launcher from the 1010 firmware (I believe this is what Tsunami is based on)

I replaced ut_tscal before installing the CFW again (from Coby OFW). So far, after many boots, all is fine. I installed Launcher2 too, will spend some time testing both and let you know if I notice anything that shouldn't be. Thanks, steeve.