I have an opportunity to get a free mid1065-8 by using some hotel rewards points, but I'm not sure if it is what I should go with. I would definitely increase to 32 GB. I have read several posts on putting some version of windows on it to run some office products (mainly excel and visio), but I'm not sure what works best and would like to hear any feedback that anyone has. Also, I am getting a 1TB external hard drive and would like to use it with this device. I design electronics and love the idea of taking lesser known name products and upgrading the hell out of them. Its a great thing to use to piss off my coworkers that are apple snobs. I'm very into rooting and augmenting everything I own, as long as it has a worthwhile benefit. If anyone has any suggestions before I get some incompatible devices and how to best augment them with the right software, please let me know.