Dropad A8/Haipad M7 - Samsung 7-in Cortex A8 Capacitive iPhone 4

Yep, I agree. it is difficult to find good reviews of a tablet which has several different names and cases:confused:
As always just unpack the zip file and place as is to root of external SD Card.
Before flashing use folder APK to put all soft you need to be installed and you'll see these appear installed after flashing, great isnt it........

Noob here. I unpack contents of .zip file on sdcard.. then? What do I have to do?
I just got a M7 andI have not done anything with it. It doesn't even have android market (does this firmware include the android market??)
Battery life is certainly a problem and because it draws too much current but my problem was that when it failed setup, it just shut down. The crappy little booklet gave no clue as to what to do. Finally, on my own, I discovered that by holding down the start and menu buttons it would at lease come up to some sort of prompt. After I contacted mfg, the sent me a copy of Android 2.2. Later when I tried an upgrade to 2.3, it died altogether and no combination of button pushing would revive it. Altogether, I think it is a fairly good design, poorly executed.
greetings, if i'm not mistaken my tab looks very much like this. fyi in my country here d tab is rebranded to idealtab but tat's all to it. everything else is quite d same.

d only problem for me right now is d various names for d same tab, until i lost track of it... :confused:

I have tried to download FaceBook for Android and Excel, however I always get the following message:-

"Your device is not compatible with this item".

I tried one solution to clear application Updates and Cache, but still get the same answer.

Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks for any ideas - 5*
My unit says its charging, but the max level it goes is to 1, which means immediately I unplug the charger it shuts down. If I leave it connected it works fine.
Has anyone changed the battery on their unit and if YES how does one go about it. I can find no way to remove the rear cover. I have tried to pry it open with a small screwdriver and suction cup but no success.
Help appreciated.