Easily Root Android Tablet with One Click

I tried to use this on my cmp744a craig tablet, however I got the error 'adb is already in use' and it does not root it. Anyone know an answer to this? I was unable to figure out through hours and hours of web searches.
i have an android tablet and have rooted it but it wont let me add or remove anything from the root device i have su on it everything seems to be working but this i want to put ubuntu on it and i have all the usb debuging working and the adb drivers working but the fact still remains that if i cant remove or add to the root device i cant get it done does anyone have any suggestions its kicking me in my butt
Try looking at Nexus Root Toolkit on XDA, it works on the N7, but may be usable on other tablets.
Check it out....It's by Wugfresh on XDA-Developers.
Ok thanks for your hard work! I have rooted a few devices with relative ease... until I came to this device "digital 2 platinum 751g2bk1406 when I root I get success but when checked with root checker it fails I am unable to get full root no matter what I try when I turn on developer options it turns off again when I navigate away from it I can get root from remote shell but not emulated terminal I can't cat /proc/mtd I get device not found same for emmc. Any suggestions or a couple more melons vibrating on this would really be appreciated
Ok thanks for your hard work! I have rooted a few devices with relative ease... until I came to this device "digital 2 platinum 751g2bk1406 when I root I get success but when checked with root checker it fails I am unable to get full root no matter what I try when I turn on developer options it turns off again when I navigate away from it I can get root from remote shell but not emulated terminal I can't cat /proc/mtd I get device not found same for emmc. Any suggestions or a couple more melons vibrating on this would really be appreciated also forgot to mention it's an 8gb with 1gb ram allwinner a23 it also has modem firmware but it is not a phone.❔❕❓
I just rooted my tablet with it running the factory firmware - no update or mod. Did it via adb by mounting the file system read/write, pushed "su" and "Superuser.apk" to the device, changed permissions on the "su" file, rebooted the tablet. Now I can get root with "su" commands in the Terminal Emulator on the tablet and root-only apps ask permission to run with admin privileges.

It is apparently not that easy on all devices, but nobody could seem to tell me if it would work or not so I gave it a shot and it worked.

(the exact commands I used over adb are in this post)
Have you run the whoami command in terminal to see if you are actually root? Just curious?