Furious Android 2.3 Internal Memory/SD Card Issues


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2014
My kids gave me a Furious Android 2.3 tablet (ARM Cortex TM-A8 MID)
Samsung S5PV210 CPU
. I have studied the user manual and still have several unresolved issues:
* Specs indicate 4gb internal storage
* 32 gb micro sd storage
* disable phone features

ES Explorer app only shows 2.03 gb available storage even though specs indicate 4 gb internal storage and does not detect micro 32gb as card, however it will allow me to access content on the sd card, movies, music, photos etc.
Connected to PC no sd card storage detected.
I would like to download content directly to micro sd card!
Battery usage indicates 64% battery draw from phone feature, I am unable to locate app/ location to disable?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum

Your version of Android will not allow downloading much of anything to the SD card. A few apps will allow you to store data there though. As for the storage you have available, that's not unusual as the system files are taking up some of that space. You can move data to the SD card. No idea about the phone part of your question.
Thank you!
I have attempted to move files to as card by selecting them and I receive an error message stating Unable to move file! This is being attempted through ES Explorer app

Funny thing about the phone feature is has device ring tone selection tab. Feature not mentioned Not listed in user manual.
If you have not been able to move ANYTHING to the SD card you may want to try formatting it, in the tablet.
Installed different version of ES Explorer file manager now I can store directly to flash 32gb micro sd card, still no luck getting my PC to see the storage when connected by usb. Searched web and found other posts indicating that storage should be readable connected to PC?
Some people have nevr been able to get a USB connection to work. Frequently it's a problem with the PC as the problem exists with many different tablets. The potential reasons list is a mile long. You may want to try DropBox or a local connection using an app called AirDroid.
Hi Cardawg, congratulations on your Furious Android tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. Another alternative to a USB connection would be to remove the SD card from the tablet and plug it directly into the PC. Then you can drag & drop files between the two. If the PC doesn't have a card slot, you can get a USB multi-card reader for about $10. Good luck!
Thank you for the advice/suggestions! The other nagging issue is the battery consumption, when I check out energy management it indicates 64% usage by phone? I have searched all menus / user guide and find nothing about a phone feature?
it indicates 64% usage by phone

It's not nearly the issue you might think it is. What that means is that of all the drain on your battery at the moment 64% is caused by that phone thing, not that it's draining 64% of your battery. At that rate, your battery would be dead in 1½ hours and I'm pretty sure that's not the case. In other words, if the current drain is almost negligible, it would mean it's 64% of almost negligible.

Unfortunately, that phone thing is a problem on many tablets whether they have a phone or not. AFAIK there's nothing you can do about it. You'd have to be rooted in order to disable or remove it and as I recall folks who did so bricked their system when they did it. The brightness of your screen is usually the biggest drain and also the radios for bluetooth and WiFi. I always turn the radios off when I put the tablet to sleep to extend my battery time.
Read up on the apps you suggested, I'll try android, sounds promising!