Help me with this very frustrating problem


Apr 16, 2012
I got a new Sony Tablet S a few weeks back and I have this really weird problem.
As soon as I on Wifi and connect to my college network, it connects fine and webpages open as expected.
But after a minute or so, all data transfer stops even though I am connected to the network. Initially I thought
it was a hardware issue with my tablet but when I went to my nearest McDonalds and connected to their connection, everything
worked fine and there was no interruption in the data transfer.
I tried a couple of other hotspots around town and they seemed to work fine.
So, now obviously its a problem with my college network. The funny thing is that my laptop, my cellphone and about a thousand other devices
connected to the same network work just fine and do not stop exchanging data all of a sudden.
I have tried various apps available on the Play store but none helped.
My (geeky) friend told me that the issue may be some sort of interference between the routers (Cisco Aironet series, I think), as every floor in my hostel has 4 routers, but he could not give a solution. I have also referred the problem to my system administrator but he too could not come up with a solution.
If anyone has a solution to this, please help!
Thanks in advance :)
i had a similar problem, and i downloaded "keep wifi alive." it is supposed to be used to keep your wifi on while you are in sleep mode. but to my tablet it also fixed tht problem.