Help needed for samsung galaxy 7 inch tablet


Jan 21, 2012
Hi, I am new to the tablet world despite being in IT for years. I have run into a problem. My Samsung galaxy 7 inch wifi only gt p1000 tab claims that it has gigabytes of memory left but I can not get Skype to load. It was loaded but I wanted to transfer it to my google account rather than my partner's. So I de-installed it and then tried to re-install under my account. It said there was not enough room to install. I then de-installed some old apps that I decided that I did not need and tried again. Same result. I do not have an SD card so I can not transfer any apps there. I think I am running Froyo but some of the functions that should be there e.g. total memory taken up by the apps - does not appear to be available.

I only have two google accounts on the tablet and about 30 applications in total. My next step will be either to remove my account and try again or reset the whole device and start again but I would like to avoid those options if I could so I would be very grateful for some help.
thanks in advance


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to become a member. I'm going to move your thread over to the Samsung Galaxy Tab section for you. The folks over there would be the ones most able to help you out. Good luck!


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2010
Many thanks - much appreciated

Are you sure when it says no room it is not reffering to placing a shortcut on your homepage? click the app tray and see if it is there.

In the future if you want to change the account, just go to settings -applications/manage applications select the app then clear data

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk


Jan 21, 2012
Hi, thanks for your reply. However, unfortunately that is not the explanation. I deliberately created extra home screens and made sure that all of them had room and still got exactly the same response - not enough room to install.