Here it comes...wait for it...wait for it...


Nov 6, 2011
Hello everybody! Lessee...I'm in a completely different world now! PC/Windows user since mid-90's. Became enamored with open-source setups a few years back when I started playing with Linux Ubuntu some. Got so tired of the Micro$oft thing! Dad gave me an old Palm Zire 31 he had and I started using it as an e-reader and tinkering with it. Wife wanted to get me a laptop for Christmas this year so I could spend more time alongside the family instead of in the other room with the PC. All these factors led to me ordering my first tablet the other day...a Coby Kyros 7022...from Toys R Us. It's due tomorrow and I can't wait!
Out of five android-related forums I've visited so far, this is the only one focused on tablets. Yay! Looks really good here and I look forward to chatting with all of you!
Now I'm off to see whatcha' got...
Later on, everybody!
Peace, Tin Kicker.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on your new Coby. We have an excellent group of Coby enthusiasts waiting for you to get that tablet and come visit them over at the Coby Tablets section. Nice to have you here with us at the forum.