Here's one for you....


May 16, 2012
Haptic feedback. Like it? Lets you know when you are touching on certain parts of the gui. You knew that? Well, what do you do when you LP2's goes to the crapper and when you press on the home button and others, it sounds like an electric sjhaver? Just started! No, I didn't dkrop it or do anything to cause it. It started on it's own. Yes, I know how to turn off feedback. It's just kinda annoying. If I even thought about sending this to service for this problem or any for that matter, I'm afraid I would never get it back. I just got done reading some comments on the net from peoplenwho sent theirs in two months ago and are still waiting to getthem back. One user quotes Lepan as stating there is a major backlog of unrepaired units and that is the reason for delays. Come on!,,, If ICS is any indication of how bass ackward they are. Man... And I am already tired of the moderator basically telling us to put up with it. Sure, who likes a whiner, but come on. And if we're going to have a forum we have a right to our oppinion. With that said... any ideas on a fix without having to open this thing?:mad:
mprenfro, it sounds like Le Pan just may not be the tablet for you. I've bought and set up 3 LP1's and 3 LP2's for me and various members of my family. Of that lot one LP 1 would freeze and begin vibrating constantly until I hit reset. I returned it to the store I bought from with no trouble (Big Lots) We've had no problems with any others.

As far as I can tell haptic feedback is either on or off. There is no adjustment for intensity. You might try a factory reset. If the problem is caused by a software glitch thats the first place o start.
John, sounds like you need some coffee. ;) I think my complaints are valid. If anyone thinks otherwise, they start making an excuse for the company and kill off any chance for real change. Companies need complains in order to thrive and compete effectively. I would rather see Matsunichi succeed in this way. At this moment, they very well could be trying to rebrand their tablet in the marqui line and drop Lepan support. Since that tablet already comes with ICS, etc, even though it has lower specs. Hope I'm not babbling. Maybe I need coffee...I just asked if anyone with some technical background had any ideas on the vibration. I'll try a reset. Just seems strange that this happened now.
I put in a smiley for you... And You have been helpful, but when I look back at your post, it seems like one moment your are getting why people are making complaints and other times you are going along with those who are saying, "oh, let's just wait a little longer." "Matsunichi is a small company." Or, maybe we shouldn't push them. If they fold, we'll lose all support." Come on.. How do we know it's not already in their game plan? Because you have inside sources who tell you things that don't come to pass? Look here it is plain and simply. Yes, I bought a cheaper product. This ain't no iPad. I explained my reason for purchase in another thread. It's not even a Samsung. But I bought this device because I was hearing some good reviews. I weighed out my options. Heck, I even took you advice on the reset and for now the clanky inner vibration sound went away... Go figure. But I am terrified to send this back to LePan for a repair after reading some of the reports on still waiting after two months. ICS? Good example. According to many articles on the net, ICS has been a God send. It is much more stable than current system. The HDMI cable. Issue forgiven but as one poster said, "why advertise what you do not have?" I am not giving you a hard time. I think you are here because you enjoy your product, the forum and helping people. Thank you. But I don't like peole telling me to be quiet. Stop complaining. Maybe I should buy something else. I am a consumer. I have a right to get what I paid for. And if a set of advertised (promised) features are not included, be informed as to the ETA. If we are looking at vaporware again, I encourage anyone who reads this post to consider a course of action. Of course I am not saying let's jump the gun, but is anyone getting updates on the status of these upcoming features from LePan? (Matsunichi) Is it posted on their webpage? No! I rest my case.
John, no doubt your a good guy, but I think the best way to support any company like this is to let them know our displeasure. Have a good one.
mprenfro, you are certainly a passionate fellow and you should definately be able to speak your mind. I don't think I ever told you to be quiet. I was just suggesting if you are so dissatisfied with the product you should just get rid of it. Get something else. Lifes too short, don't torture yourself. If enough peope feel the wy you do and vote with their wallets they will get the message or go out of business.

PerSonally I love my LP2. I use it four or five hours a day. I have no complaints. Sorry that is just my own personal experience. I've set up six of these things for me and my family and we all love em.

Le Pan does have a ways to go to fulfill all their advertised promises and if any of those features were really critical to my enjoyment of the product I would probably have returned it or sold it on craigslist.
Ive had 4 other tablets before le pan and sold em all or returned because They just didn't cut it for me.

for the record:
tc970 firmware update = done (several)
firmware upgrade = cancelled
tc979 firmware update = done
hdmi adapter = done
ICS upgrade = pending
usb otg adapter = pending
ethernet adapter = pending

I'm keeping an eye on this stuff.
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Thank you John, it wasn't so much you that I felt was telling me to keep quiet. That came from someone else...... You have made yourself clear on why you suggested I get rid of something I am not pleased with. I except the explanation. However, for the sake of any one else ready this, I don't believe just because a product is cheaper it has to be substandard. And I am not pleased with misrepresentation and promises which are taking forever to fulfill. When most of them should have already been out by now. I am aware of the products which have and have not materialized. My wife currently has cancer. I cannot work right now. I do not have the funds to go out and experiment with various devices like some. I bought Lepan because I believed I would get a good product. All in all, I think they started out with a nobel plan, but I with their lack of fulfillment and integrity, I am quickly losing faith...
BTW, I hope everyone doesn't vote with their wallets, as you said. Dude, 5 unrepairable Lepans would be too much to bear!!;)
I don't understand your 5 unrepairable le pans comment. the tablets I returned weren't lepans if that is what you mean.

I can see your frustration. You researched carefully and bought on promised specs. by the time all promised features roll out the tablet may be obsolete. You would think all the adapters would have been ready to go on launch and included in the box.

The main reason I bought Le Pan was because it had the Android Market. Very few low priced tablets have that. With out it you re very limited on the apps you can get. You can't even get flash player without the Market.
The certification process has been more of a challenge for them than they anticipated. every upgrade, every accessory has to be certified by google.

So yes while frustrating when I compare my Le Pan to other tablets for the money I am still happy. Just like all computer products no sooner do you buy it than something better faster and cheaper comes out. Thats just electronics for you.

Sorry to hear about your wifes condition. I'm sure life is tough for both of you right now.
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???? i dont get it. What are you saying? Yes one LP1 was a clunker. all the others are going strong. 5 unrepairable le pans??? What are you trying to say?
Johna2u said, " If enough peope feel the wy you do and vote with their wallets they will get the message or go out of business."
"I've bought and set up 3 LP1's and 3 LP2's for me and various members of my family."

I was saying I feel sorry for you if the company did go out of business. Let's hope it doesn't go that way.
Hi I m new to this site and joined because 3 mos ago I purchased a new Android Lepan 970 it was working fine no problems then the other nite I turned it off and the next morning it would not start up again so I plugged in the charger cordm and saw the the two flashing batteries for about 2 or 3 mins the on/off but depresses but nothing happens...I tried reset button also combination of reset button and off buttons for a minute and zippo nothing what could be wrong? I got nohelp what so ever from support or Lepan or warranity depts does anyone know how to help??
I had a problem with the power cord too myself. They don't seem to be made very well, especially at the end that connects to the tablet. Usually when you plug into the tablet, it will start. Try checking that the usb connection is in all the way/ Then plug it in. Next, put the other end into the tablet. Wiggle gently to make sure you are getting contact.Don't wiggle too much, as to damage the pins. If it doesn't go on. Wait about five minutes. Try to turn on by pressing and holding down power button for a minute.
If that doesn't work, try a reset while plugged in and then press start button again. If all this doesn't work, check your plug contacts for dirt or goo. Clean with qtip. Start process again.LePan will answer. Wait 24hrs.
great advice mprenfro. also for foster. Be sure you register and open a case though the website. Don't just try to call.