How to restore your flytouch 2 to 1170 with burntool


Jan 23, 2011
How to update your flytouch 2

This is my first post on this site and i hope to continue to help.

I have had my fly touch 2 for 3 days now and i have been going through 1000 of post on trying to update my flytouch 2 but no one could really help me and there is a bit of confusion on how to get in the recovery menu. Now i have been doing a bit of research which will help people who got stuck like me and hopefully get this community of the floor with more builds coming out every week like the zt-180.

First of all you need to find out what build you are on ( Settings/about device/build number)

Firmware: deb-r2.1.1561 - Official release
Firmware: deb-r2.1.1480 - official release
Firmware: deb-r2.1.1170 – Seller Installed
Firmware: deb-r2.1.1001 – Factory Installed

Now what i have found out is that the factory ships these devices out with 1001 and ships the seller software to update the device via a pc, the the seller is supposed to update the device to (Firmware: deb-r2.1.1170 – Seller Installed). But many sellers are just shipping the devices out with the 1001 firmware. The problem with this is that there is no recovery menu and you cant install of the sd card you also cant use the system update app. So if you have been spending your time pressing button combinations and it keeps getting stuck on infotmic logo then your on 1001.

People that are on firmware 1170 and above can update using the system update app.

But if you on 1001 your out of luck you going to have to go down to your local electronics store and buy a male(A) to male(A) usb or make one if you want. I dont recommend buying of ebay, might fry your tablet if wired up wrong.

So now you know what firmware you are on and you have your usb or you just want to install updates via usb then this tutorial is for you.


First of all you will need to download burn tool and 1170 update.

Step 1: Extract the zip file to your desktop there should be 2 files burntool and android.

Step 2: Switch of your flytouch 2 and plug the usb into the top usb slot and into your computer.

Step 3: Hold down the menu+home+power, this will put you into usb mode.

Step4: Your computer should say a new usb device has been found and it will promote you to install it. Now if your on windows xp a window should pop up saying Install automatically or Install from know location. click install from know location and browse to your desktop and click burntool folder and click ok, it should install and promote you with a continue anyway message. For windows vista or 7 it will try to install automatically and fail and ask you for the location of the drivers.

Step 5: Now we are all set up to update your tablet. First i recommend watching this video so you understand how burntool works.

Step 6: Now your connected to the pc open up burntool (windows 7 and vista right click and run as administrator), there should be a green box in device 10.


Step 7: Click Settings, and tick burn. now copy this picture below all the files are in android folder on your desktop. If you cant find uimage in the folder make sure you its set to all file types.

Step 8: once you have located all the files click the left button at the bottom of the setting page and then click start.

No once this is done your flytouch should boot up into the new firmware, once on the home screen re register and connect to wifi and do a system update to go to the latest vision.

Just a few more things

>Yes this will fix the green screen of death.
>Make sure you keep the power plugged in at all times.
> Always remember flashing can be dangerous and it is possible you can brick your device please ask if you have any problems im sure i and others can help.
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Good job with the instructions. After having my pad for a few days, the OS did an update. All went fine until I had to enter the registration key. I had carefully put the sticker on the back of the pad about 5 days earlier. However, the ink on the sticker had all come off- just the numbers. I can still make out 5 of them, but...

I will caution that people should make a second copy, send themselves email of the number, put clear tape over the numbers or otherwise protect them. I second your use of red caps. Everyone: pay attention!
Great instructions, except to use Titanium you have to be rooted, and I can't seem to do that on my Superpad. z4root won't run on this device. It just causes it to reboot. Any other backup program you recommend that doesn't need root?

Hi all

this looks like promising, but I have one question for this. Can I simple make a USB cable out of 2 existing cables or is there a specific wiring I need to follow?

kind regards

Hi all

this looks like promising, but I have one question for this. Can I simple make a USB cable out of 2 existing cables or is there a specific wiring I need to follow?

kind regards


i belive you can just strip back the cable and join them together but dont take my word for it i would recommend you just buy one.
One more quastions?
I havn't got any private data on my PAD, only system files and some apps, so if I have to make backup??? If the "1170
update files" contains the every system files which are required by PAD to working properly??

kind regards
Thanks for ur help

I have a question but u have to be much more patient with me :)

my tablet details :

10.2" Android 2.1 Tablet PC
CPU: Infotmic ARM11(1GHz)
Model : PC1002i
one day after I bought my tablet, I switched off and on again and that's it !! doesnt work !
- I downloaded things from the Market.
- I changed the font from ( System/fonts ) because I want to read and write using my Language
- I changed a file called ( )
it was working properly but some programmes doesnt allow me to write by using my language. I decided to change again.
- I restarted my tablet ... not working until now !!!!!

from where and how can I get my tablet fixed ?
no recovery image is found, try to recover from SD
this was the last message i saw on the screen
sometime it show me ( Green screen with WOWPAD logo )
sometimes only the logo of Infotmic !!

it is killing me man ... what is next ?

xaueious from this website suggested this :
That's most likely a Flytouch II variant.

now i'm asking you. what is the solution ?
Can I follow your instructions ?

Finally , I have USB cable type A ( male ) to type A ( male ). do u think I cam make it and get it fixed ?

sorry .. I really apologise .. i talked a lot ... again sorry for the inconvenience
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for ur help

I have a question but u have to be much more patient with me :)

my tablet details :

10.2" Android 2.1 Tablet PC
CPU: Infotmic ARM11(1GHz)
Model : PC1002i
one day after I bought my tablet, I switched off and on again and that's it !! doesnt work !
- I downloaded things from the Market.
- I changed the font from ( System/fonts ) because I want to read and write using my Language
- I changed a file called ( )
it was working properly but some programmes doesnt allow me to write by using my language. I decided to change again.
- I restarted my tablet ... not working until now !!!!!

from where and how can I get my tablet fixed ?
no recovery image is found, try to recover from SD
this was the last message i saw on the screen
sometime it show me ( Green screen with WOWPAD logo )
sometimes only the logo of Infotmic !!

it is killing me man ... what is next ?

xaueious from this website suggested this :
That's most likely a Flytouch II variant.

now i'm asking you. what is the solution ?
Can I follow your instructions ?

Finally , I have USB cable type A ( male ) to type A ( male ). do u think I cam make it and get it fixed ?

sorry .. I really apologise .. i talked a lot ... again sorry for the inconvenience
Thanks in advance.

Yeah it sounds like you have damaged the file system and corrupted the image. This method should work, just follow the instructions to the t and it should be like getting a new tablet again fresh out the box.
I followed the instructions until Step 3 but then .. maybe because I used usb sable male to male .. my computer didnot say ( a new usb device has been found)

what can i do ??
I followed the instructions until Step 3 but then .. maybe because I used usb sable male to male .. my computer didnot say ( a new usb device has been found)

what can i do ??

when you boot up the flytouch 2 dose it hang at the infotmic screen when you do step 3