Kyros 7120


Nov 21, 2011
After two days searching non stop for information and help regarding the Android tablet Kyros MID7120 tablet. From information, to downloading the android market I decided to call it a quick and give the tablet to my 6 year niece to destroyed or do what ever with it.

I realized that there's no information regarding such table, including in the COLBY website or that I cannot even download games from the market without been told that its not a phone. This tablet is not worth the effort or time to try and figure anymore information on it.

The only good thing that came with this was the price. Thank you forum for the site.

If there is no info about it anywhere then you have to find it yourself doing soe research with the correct tools... We need this info about 7120:
- Processor model
- Android version

With this info it's possible to give you some details about what to try in order to get what you need.
Hello LFOM, thank you for responding. This is the only inform I know. Its a Colby Kyros, Model MID 7120, Android Version 2.3.3 Kernel Version and the build date lol, MID7120-Mon Sep5 2011(dnt know why it has that) lol. Unfortunately I dnt know where to look for the Ram. Please advice, cause truly I like the tablet but sadly I cant even download or yet be able to use the Android Market.

Thank you for your time:D
OK, so now we know you have Android 2.3.3. You should be able to install Android Market using info from these posts:

You can skip SetupWizard.apk, it's not needed. Actually, just for Market, probably you just have to install:

  1. GoogleServicesFramework.apk
  2. OneTimeInitializer.apk
  3. Vending.apk
After you do, reboot your tablet and add your Google account. Don't upgrade to Market 3.x, stay in 2.x so you will be able to install most apps without changing LCD density (Market 3.x requires lower LCD density or it will show apps as not compatible with your device). Latest Market 2.x is 2.3.6 as far as I remember.

If for some using the files in the first post don't work for you, try this one:
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After you install Market you can look for an app like SysInfo Tool or similar, it should show your device's processor and other stuff...
Thank you so much, I will try this weekend and will post to inform you;)
Hello. Ok I follow the instruction to my best that I could. Now here the issues. the following application wont install, the GoogleServiceFramework.apk, OneTimeInitializer.apk, or the SetupWizard.apk. The only application that installed was the Vending.apk

I try all the above suggestion and instruction and nothing. Any other Advice I would appreciated it. Happy holiday;)
Uninstall anything from Google, reboot and try to install GoogleServicesFramework first. Try files from both ZIP files.
Hi there,

I am a newbie too to the Coby Kyros. I bought (2) 7120's for my kids and am trying to learn about rooting and how to make it run efficiently. Currently some of the apps run a little klunky and I don't know why.

Here is some info that might be helpful, I bought this from Amazon and it said that the processor was 800mhz. I also followed this video on YouTube to install the Google Marketplace:

I know it says it's for the 7022, but it worked on the 7120. I downloaded Angry Birds, but it doesn't run smoothly. Sometimes when I start it, it shows a blank screen. Sometimes during game play it will just quit for no reason.

I will look up the ultimate guide to see what I can do to improve performance and about rooting but if anyone has some quick advice, please feel free to share.

Good luck with your installation!
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Ok for what ever reason the file that I try to installed whether the Onetimeinitializer.apk or googlesservicesframework or vending, it tell me "sorry no application available. I give up thank you for your time. Not happy with the outcome, but my 6 year niece will think better usage for it.

PS. I even follow the video below me and couldnt do anthing
How did u manage to get the market? I also have the MID7120 and been trying for days now to install and follow this video and other instruction and it doesnt work on my tablet.
To install Android market, you must first unzip the file (took me a while to find out) --to do that,
put on finger on the folder and keep it there WITHOUT opening the folder, then press the unzip button.
You will then be able to install the 4 files without the " no apps..." prompt.

I also have problems with Angry Bird with the 7012 (I think the CPU is just not powerful enough)
in that 1/3 of the time, it would not load (just go to the menu screen) and another 1/3 of the time
it bombs after playing a few level.

I have 2 7012 which I have given away, and would like to buy a couple more for Xmas presents--
could one of you having used a 7120 tell me more about it (AFAIK, it's like 7012 except being
$20 more and have a front facing camera). does the Android 2.3.3 work well ?? any problems ??
is the CPU the same 800MHz one in 7012 ??

In particular, Does Skype video talk work well ?? without stuttering ??
with the 7012, I can use Skype talk but could not add a new contact--I was hoping that I could
see the video of my contact if s/he has a camera with here laptop/tablet--but I guess not.

I particularly enjoy playing .mp4 videos (about 7-1 compression) I done previously with NERO--
it runs very well without stuttering.
P.S. aside from wimpy cpu, no camera, the 7012 also have only 3-4 hours battery life--does the 7120 do better ??