Looks like someone is making great progress :)

This guy is xboxexpert on xda-developer and I like his videos. I see he is trying to make money on the side. :) Oh well, no harm, tricking out the NC may be difficult for some. There are rooted NC's popping up on craigslist all over the place. I was amazed a few weeks ago when I first saw his videos but now I see it's not hard to do everything he put on his. I'm not a big fan on boot up scene changes and getting good location working is easy now.
Yeah, he is selling rooted NC on his website for $350

Really, geez lol. Man, I should make some money too.

Side note: I passed on re-routing my side buttons, for 1. I don't want to reach up to the side of the case all the time and 2. Button Savior (softkeys) works so well, there is really no need to remap the buttons IMO.
I've joked before but: his New Jersey accent...I dunno...it just doesn't inspire all that much confidence. He clearly know what he's doing. But the car salesman tone kind of leaves me feeling a bit worried. ;)

DISCLAIMER: I come from a family of very good car salesman (the gene apparently skipped me). So "slick" always makes me feel like I'm about to buy something I don't need or want.

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I'm from NJ. :)
No you're not, you're from NC!!!!!! ;)

Matt thinks to self: Open mouth, insert foot. Heck, insert both of them.

Yeah, but you're not trying to SELL anything to us!

I'm from Southern California, if that means anything...

...and getting good location working is easy now.


Sorry if this is a dumb noob question (y'all have to put up a few of these I'm afraid!) but how does the location work? Does the Nook have a GPS chip inside???

Sorry if this is a dumb noob question (y'all have to put up a few of these I'm afraid!) but how does the location work? Does the Nook have a GPS chip inside???

The NC does not have a gps radio but can locate you through wifi locations near you. It is not extremely accurate but its close enough and locates within a ~1 miles radius if near many wifi locations. I’ve also found it doesn’t work well at all if you are on a wifi connection and there are no other locations near by. I believe it needs a few wifi networks to triangulate your location.

Google Location Services Fix:

See all NOOKcolor specs in detail: