[ROM] Huawei Ideos S7 Slim Official Firmware

Can anyone repost/reupload the firmwares? It looks like H decided to kill the links that were posted at the top of this thread and elsewhere that I have looked...

Edit-I managed to find the updata floating around here...Thanks to whoever had the presence of mind to post it...Sorry I don't recall who ATM...
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i dont think huawei kill all the link. they are upgrading/changing their web site, perhaps there are broken code for "software" sections.

i've downloaded some of them, will reupload it i have some time.
For all of you having problem with unresponsive touchscreen after installing alternative launcher on your S7 Slim...
I found out that during boot touchscreen is disabled and official Huawei Launcher enables it, so if you install alternative launcher, touchscreen remains disabled after reboot.
First of all, you have to root you S7 Slim (I've done it using following article HOWTO: Unpack, Edit, and Re-Pack Boot Images - Android Wiki, just set ro.secure=0 in default.prop and add --base 0x20000000 to mkbootimg command-line). Then, copy file /system/etc/bluetooth_power.sh to your hard disk (adb pull /system/etc/bluetooth_power.sh c:\). Edit that file (c:\bluetooth_power.sh) using Notepad++ and add following lines:

echo 1 > /sys/cap_touchscreen/boot_complete
echo 1 > /sys/cap_touchscreen/state

Then, remount /system partiton read-write (adb remount), and copy that file back (adb push c:\bluetooth_power.sh /system/etc/).
Reboot, and now you can install any launcher you like!
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As you can see HUAWEI download site has problems. So if somebody needs - here is firmware from MTN South Africa. I'd found it on one italian forum.
SA - HIDS70209V100R001C106B013.zip
It's working fine on my S7 Slim. Only one problem was mentioned - Android market stucked after update. But it can be easily fixed by installing version 3.1.3 from this link:
Download the new Android Market app today!

I uploaded V100R001C207B012(Hungary Invitel) official rom, Works with 3G/Wifi only modells both. Its newer than others. It only contains English and Hungarian languages. I dont have G-sensor problems with this fw.
Default language is Hungarian. You have to go Menu->Beállítások->Nyelv és Billentyűzet->Nyelvválasztás to change. I hope i could help.


PS: Sorry for my English, Iam from Hungary.
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Does this work with S7-10X models? Non-slim ones

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum
Touch screen stopped working so I used the indonesian firmware and mine is working fine again. Market app no problem. Thank you
just bought this Huawei S7 Slim few week.
i have been tested for few firmware, but i still have auto-rotation problem.
for the begining its working well, after few day or manybe few hours. the auto rotation wont work anymore.
have to turn off and restart S7 slim , then my auto rotation get back to work.
make me very piss off.
do you guy have this issue ? anyway to solve this problem ?

thank you !!​