Sad news


May 14, 2011
I did get my A500 at BB, but the display model was straight out of the box and did not demo well at all. Couldn't see what it was capable of doing with video. Very poor selection of apps and the people at BB didn't care. They were very busy pushing the Ipad2 and the XOOM.

And I wonder how many of the returns were "bricked" by people messing with honeycomb.


At my local BB, the iPad2 has this huge display area in center stage...the Xoom as nearby, but not as big. The Acer was hidden in the back in an un-obvious place not close to either the iPad or the Xoom displays. I knew they sold it so I just keep looking until I found it. They didn't try to steer me off to one of the others, either.

I don't see how BB can decide not to honor returns within the acceptable, policy-stated, return period. I do see how lots of people would want to return a HC tablet if they were expecting an Apple product. I don't think people are dummies for not wanting to deal with HC, either. Some people just would rather spend their time doing other stuff than tweaking an OS. And plenty enough folks are willing to pay more for that feature, too.


May 2, 2011
The average man and woman on the street will purchase an ipad. They only desire a tool for a specific task. Mamy people at my job have an Ipad and generally they use it to surf the web and email. I do not see anyone else using it to take notes and syncing with Dropbox. They don't carry their excel files with them, they don't use any of the apps available. It is just one huge email machine. What a waste.

And any of those people would be totally lost and frustrated with an Acer or any other non-ipad, non-windows machine. They don't want choice. They do not desire to make decisions about browsers. They just want whatever the ipad gives them. Again, what a waste.

Let's face it, those of us who enjoy and embrace technology love the Android tablets because we are in control. We can decide where to move our files. We can decide which software to view our photos with. We are in control. With that control comes a little more work and thought. We can make our machines tremendously useful for us.

My Acer Iconia A500 has 100% replaced my Apple Ipad. I use it 80% for work and 20% for personal use. The USB and Micro SD card has freed me from Apple Prison. I carry spreadsheets, PDF files, PowerPoint displays, word files and don't need Itunes or a wi-fi or bluetooth signal to copy a dozen excel files to my USB drive and then stick that in my Acer and copy them over.

But most people are still trying to grasp Facebook. They aren't going to go for anything but the Ipad. That is a waste indeed.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2011
Lets face it - the enlightened tab consumer will opt for the A500 whereas the sheeple will undoubtedly opt for the iPad :D ,


Aug 8, 2010
Heck yes.
Noobs will buy a xoom
The lucky will get an Asus
The stupid will Ger an ipad!
and normal people will buy the so wonderful Iconia

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum


Feb 7, 2011
If I were a big wig at Acer I would be really really angry with Bestbuy. First on the day of the debut they only on-land carrier in the nation (US) is closed, then they hide the tab it the back corners of the store, they don't carry any accessories, and then it doesn't even show up in any weekly ads. And then there's rumors that they might be pulling it????????? Really???? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the real reason that it hasn't sold it because there hasn't been any advertising. Come on Bestbuy quit playing favorites and sell what's in your stores. This does explain part of the reason that they aren't doing too well financially.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk


May 2, 2011
If I were a big wig at Acer I would be really really angry with Bestbuy. First on the day of the debut they only on-land carrier in the nation (US) is closed, then they hide the tab it the back corners of the store, they don't carry any accessories, and then it doesn't even show up in any weekly ads. And then there's rumors that they might be pulling it????????? Really???? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the real reason that it hasn't sold it because there hasn't been any advertising. Come on Bestbuy quit playing favorites and sell what's in your stores. This does explain part of the reason that they aren't doing too well financially.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

being an employee of best buy i feel this urge to respond to this. the rumors of best buy pulling it are just that, rumors... putting it in the corner of the store is a mistake, we have ours in our laptop valley, but you're right moto and apple have definitely got the better end of that stick. accessories, no idea why but yeah we only have the zagg shields and i keep hoping we'll get more accessories for it since i own one and would like some things to go w/ the tab. needless to say, it sells REAL well at my store so i'm not real sure what you're talking about with it not selling.

Samoa Joe

May 16, 2011
I work at Best Buy as well and I have been using my personal as a demo and everyone loves it, the price and quality is just amazing for what you get. They weren't removed from RSS at ours, what's up with your store?!



May 14, 2011
The average man and woman on the street will purchase an ipad. They only desire a tool for a specific task. Mamy people at my job have an Ipad and generally they use it to surf the web and email. I do not see anyone else using it to take notes and syncing with Dropbox. They don't carry their excel files with them, they don't use any of the apps available. It is just one huge email machine. What a waste.

And any of those people would be totally lost and frustrated with an Acer or any other non-ipad, non-windows machine. They don't want choice. They do not desire to make decisions about browsers. They just want whatever the ipad gives them. Again, what a waste.

Let's face it, those of us who enjoy and embrace technology love the Android tablets because we are in control. We can decide where to move our files. We can decide which software to view our photos with. We are in control. With that control comes a little more work and thought. We can make our machines tremendously useful for us.

My Acer Iconia A500 has 100% replaced my Apple Ipad. I use it 80% for work and 20% for personal use. The USB and Micro SD card has freed me from Apple Prison. I carry spreadsheets, PDF files, PowerPoint displays, word files and don't need Itunes or a wi-fi or bluetooth signal to copy a dozen excel files to my USB drive and then stick that in my Acer and copy them over.

But most people are still trying to grasp Facebook. They aren't going to go for anything but the Ipad. That is a waste indeed.

I don't think it is wise to describe what others find useful to them a waste. If they can afford something like an iPad, I think they can decide just how to use it to please them.

BTW, I have an iPad 2 and an Acer A500. Yes, the USB port on the side is useful. For me, however, it mainly useful for loading lots of movie files onto so I can play them later. I don't see why I need to copy files over via a USB when I can just take the USB with me. I have a tiny 16 GB usb thumb on my keychain and in the port on my Acer. I would use Dropbox to copy files from home or work rather than fiddle with a USB drive. That is so yesterday. Also, you sound as if you have not heard of GoodReader or any of the other apps that work on iPad and take advantage of cloud storage like dropbox or sugarsync.

Surely you're not putting Windows in the same box as iOS, right? There are lots & lots of customizable options in Windows 7.

I don't know why people find the need to poop all over other devices and platforms to justify their choices. It's silly and not necessary. Acer as delivered a nice, inexpensive product that runs HC. It's certainly not better than an iPad 2 (by a long shot) but it is a useful device for a lot of people and that is enough to create a market. There is nothing wrong with opting for a cheaper device if you are willing to live with what that means.
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May 14, 2011
I would bet that both Apple and Motorola have paid deals with Best Buy for primo display space. My guess is that Acer decided to not to pay that fee as they likely know that they don't need to sell a tablet to everyone to have a profitable market. Motorola is the one with most to lose, as their machine is primo and they pay the extra fees for display space. Apple profits by setting the trend for the tablet and they clearly have the market share. Acer/Asus and others are being smart to offer a low-cost alternatives and just sit back and let those like us find the device in the store.
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Apr 30, 2011
The Acer was in the weekly BB ad in the St Pete Times (Tampa, FL area paper) at its normal $450 price. It was a reasonably sized ad and I believe it was the only tablet featured. I went to the BB web site and was able to get a screen capture of the ad, so I think this should put an end to the rumors that BB will no longer carry the Iconia!!



  • $Iconia BB Ad.JPG
    $Iconia BB Ad.JPG
    49.4 KB · Views: 274