
Senior Member
Dec 26, 2010
Welcome to the Sylvania Tablets forum!

As new owners you may have lots of questions as the Sylvania Computers site may not have all the information you desire.

The SYNET7LP has been circulating for more than a year now so there is a lot of information scattered throughout this forum.

Read the "Sticky" threads at the top of the forum as they contain the most useful and common information.

Please use the "Search Forum" feature before posting a new thread.

When posting a new thread be as descriptive as possible to interest others viewers to read and assist where possible. Provide as much detail in the post as to what is the issue, what you have attempted to do to resolve, what additional information or assistance do you need to resolve or what have you discovered to assist others.

The SYTABEX7-2 is an update of the SYTABEX7. This device has been out for many months and there is also a lot of information scattered throughout the forum.

Read the "Sticky" threads at the top of the forum as they contain the most useful and common information.

Please use the "Search Forum" feature before posting a new thread.

When posting a new thread be as descriptive as possible to interest others viewers to read and assist where possible. Provide as much detail in the post as to what is the issue, what you have attempted to do to resolve, what additional information or assistance do you need to resolve or what have you discovered to assist others.

The SYTABBL7 is a fairly recent tablet. Much of the information in this forum could apply to this device. Some of what applies has posted with some useful information in

If you have more questions -

Read the "Sticky" threads at the top of the forum as they contain the most useful and common information.

Please use the "Search Forum" feature before posting a new thread.

When posting a new thread be as descriptive as possible to interest others viewers to read and assist where possible. Provide as much detail in the post as to what is the issue, what you have attempted to do to resolve, what additional information or assistance do you need to resolve or what have you discovered to assist others.

The SYTAB7MX seems to be a new tablet offering of Digital Gadgets and has only been referenced once on this site so far in

If it has a similar hardware/firmware setup some of the information in this forum could apply to this device.

Read the "Sticky" threads at the top of the forum as they contain the most useful and common information.

Please use the "Search Forum" feature before posting a new thread.

If you have more questions or discover something new and useful -

When posting a new thread be as descriptive as possible to interest others viewers to read and assist where possible. Provide as much detail in the post as to what is the issue, what you have attempted to do to resolve, what additional information or assistance do you need to resolve or what have you discovered to assist others.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Please use the search function. Chances are you questions have already been addressed.

There is NO Android Market for these tablets specifically. There is a work around in the Sticky section.
There is NO Adobe Flash for these tablets, PERIOD. There is a work around that works on SOME tablets, search for 'flash' in the search bar.
There is NO working Custom ROM for these tablets... YET. There are a few people working on one, but nothing released yet.
There is NO working HULU on these tablets.
There are NO replacement parts for these tablets, PERIOD. If you drop it and crack the screen, you MIGHT be able to use a USB mouse. Damage is NOT covered undrer warranty.
CHARGE THE BATTERY COMPLETELY and DISCHAGE THE BATTERY COMPLETELY several times to prevent it from getting a memory.
Buy a screen protector BEFORE using the tablet. Even with the stylius that comes with the tablet, these screens scratch easily.
The OTA (Over The Air) updates ERASE all applications and you basically start over with factory settings. SO, update your tablet when you open the box and take it out. There are issues with the updates and you may get stuck in an update 'loop'. Once you have done the update the first time, there is no need to 're-update', it took the update, trust me.
And MOST importantly:

THIS IS NOT AN Ipad, so don't expect $500 performance for $99.
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Yes, you can install programs (apk's) into them;

-For Calendar.... use Jorte its free on the android market, or search this forum to obtain it
-For Mail account........... use Kaiten Mail/Maildroid/K9, there are a bunch of it; but for me Kaiten its the one to install
-For Stream Video into the tablet.......... search for "the Channer" apk, so you can obtain live channels into the tabs

and so on

There is NO Adobe Flash for these tablets, PERIOD.
I'm new, so probably missing something, but Flash works fine for me on my new SYTABEX7-2 on all webpages, including some I've made myself, so I know they're Flash .swf files. Did you mean something else specifically? I'm just learning about the tablet, and hope to poast a "stoopid noobie questions" post here soon; I'm really glad I found this site!
The EX7, NET7, BBL7 and the 10MT do not have flash out of the box.

Those are the one's that have been on the board the longest. The new 7-2 is a different animal.

Sorry for the confusion
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The new 7-2 is a different animal.
Ah, as am I ;) ; thanks for the clarification. Just frustrated that I haven't gotten any response to multiple emails and phone messages to DG support. And today, the CVS manager said they won't carry these tablets, substituting some other brand instead. Cited "manufacturer difficulties". But hangin' in.
Ah, as am I ;) ; thanks for the clarification. Just frustrated that I haven't gotten any response to multiple emails and phone messages to DG support. And today, the CVS manager said they won't carry these tablets, substituting some other brand instead. Cited "manufacturer difficulties". But hangin' in.
hecate, with a little searching you'll find that the lack of response has been an ongoing issue. Specific, to your stylus being difficult to extract and replace in to the case this seems like a "defect in workmanship and materials" within the Warranty. Trying to have the retailer replace the tablet is NOT an option as mostly these tablet are seasonal items and once sold out are gone from inventory. AND

Last edited by cfrockit; 05-16-2011 at 08:00 PM
Your description sounds like a "defect in workmanship and materials".

Can you utilize the 1 year warranty and return again to Digital Gadgets for repair/replacement?

It seems their email contact [email protected] is more responsive than phone support lately.
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Thanks so much for the reply; I didn't mean to "hijack" the thread. Indeed, the store where I bought this Wednesday only had three and told me yesterday they returned the others, not because of any problem with the tablets, but because they'd had such a nightmare with the netbooks! And I've sent three emails, starting with day one, with no response. My other questions are more important (I posted in another thread, but I think posting so many questions in one post has deterred anyone here from tackling it ;)), but I'd love to get the stylus working right, and thought maybe it was me!

I did order a combination case, stand and keyboard for this ($13.50 including shipping) so I'm determined to keep the thing and get it working :). Hope some of my other questions are answered either by DG or here. Thanks.
I am bumping this thread for all of the new tablet owners out there getting their Christmas specials....

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Also bumping but asking any of those new users who have useful tips to please start adding them for those who come seeking assistance in the next few days.

There will be a lot of people who open their new "toy" only to find out it needs a LOT of care and feeding as we all have learned. Please help them out so they can enjoy!
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Hi so I just bought this today its the sylvania sytab7mx i am having no problems with the internet, youtube, etc I downloaded the amazon app store because so far I keep hearing back and forth about how the android market place is not available. Which I really don't care either way I just want to be able to watch netflix. On amazon application I found the netflix app installed it logged into my account it pulled up the movies to watch instantly but any time i clicked on a movie it would show the episodes starts playing but the sound and video are off. so its lagging any advice for resolving this? So my question is 1.) can it use netflix. 2.) if so is there a different version I need to dl and if so where? thanks for any advice
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If you search the forums, you'll find at least one or two threads regarding this.
Short version is: Yes, the video lags behind the audio, and no, we don't have a solution for this yet. Perhaps at a later time, either with software updates, or the release of a custom ROM we can get a solution.
Okay thank you. I figured as much I know the netflix application on the android market place is different then the one from amazon application great graphics but lagging so far and youtube and anime apps no problem. So I keep hearing about rooting is that really something I should be concerned about when i'm mostly wanting to read e books, watch anime and movies and just browse internet?
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@Rrok007 my gallery wont work do u know of any alt. Apps or any way for me to fix my gallery ?
It wont hold any pics that i save or load pics or vids off my sd card
Hi Everyone,

I got a SYTABEX7-2 for Christmas. So far I have the wifi working and have been playing around with it for a few days but can't quite figure out the file management in the "mypad". The unit came with a 2GB sd card and I have been able to put files on it by removing the card and putting in my GPS and hooking it up to my desktop computer but can't seem to access them on the tablet. There wasn't a download folder on the SD card, so I added one manually, but that doesn't seem to help. Also the web browser won't let me download any files that the system deems "incompatible". I'm trying to use a geocaching application I downloaded called "cachemate" and it says to save the files needed for it in the SD cards "download" folder, only there isn't a download folder on the SD card (hence why I created my own).

The "manual" that came with this is essentially useless and there isn't any supporting documentation on the Sylvania site (I guess it is too new?)

I realize this isn't a computer, but since it comes with an SD card, shouldn't I be able to download files to it and access/use them with apps downloaded from the slide me store?

Thanks for any help you can provide :)