To Root or Not to Root?

After rooting, is there a way to make sure/turn off any automated updates from B&N? I don't care for / use their book app, I'm fine with Kindle.

The stock NC reader app is very good and I prefer it over the kindle app, but to each his own.

... and that is why I love Android, choice is golden. :)
A, what I'm sure is a, noob question on rooting. Do you have to leave the uSD card in to use the NC when rooted? I've seen a couple of comments that suggest that you do but other comments seem to suggest that once rooted the uSD can be removed (and the slot used to store movies etc).
Nah, not noobish at all. I forget what you've done so far, but assuming you're autonooting: after the rooting process is done, you have two options...

(1) Pull out the card, and leave it aside in case you want to unroot and then repeat the process (use another card if need more space on the NC).

The other, more practical solution is (2) After the autonooting process is done, pull out the sdcard and let the NC restart. Once it's rebooted, you can put it back in and use the NC to reformat it (it's a bit complicated, but you should use the NC--not another PC or device--to reformat at that point). Then your sdcard is now empty and ready to hold books, pictures, music, and movies!

A, what I'm sure is a, noob question on rooting. Do you have to leave the uSD card in to use the NC when rooted? I've seen a couple of comments that suggest that you do but other comments seem to suggest that once rooted the uSD can be removed (and the slot used to store movies etc).

-Format sd card with root program
-turn on NC with sd inserted in NC to root
-After root, use NC to reformat your sd card back to original size.
(If you don't want to reformat, remove the sd card before you reboot or turn off your NC)
(IF you don't remove the root formatted sd card, every time you turn the NC on, you will attempt to root the device over and over which can cause it not to come on.)

I suggest you go to "NC helpful tips and rooting" thread (see my sig) and read everything before you start.
Ok, a wee problem that has the wife giving me looks that can't be described as good.

As far as I know I followed the instructions correctly. I got to this bit...
-Turn off NC. Yup, all good
-Insert your newly created sd card (image)Yup
-Plug the usb cable up to your NC and PCYup
-Screen will remain blackYup, although I did get an "installing drivers" on the PC and then a "The drivers didn't install correctly" message. I'm guessing this is where the problem occurred.
-Light on the usb cable will flicker for a minute or so.No, the green light did come on but it didn't flicker.
-Flash should be complete.Hmmm
-Unplug your usb cable.Yup
-Remove the sd card.Yup
-Hold the power button for 15 seconds.Yup
-Press power button again for ~3 seconds to re-power the NC.Yup, but the NC only gets as far as the n screen and stays there.

So my question is what can I do now? I can turn it off by holding the power button for 10 seconds. A 2 second press of the power button will turn the NC back on but again it only gets to the n screen.

Have I screwed it? Or is there a way to undo what I've done?
If it's properly nootered you should see a Droid during boot, and a not-so-well-done color animation of the it Nook, or is it Color...I can't remember!!! Anyway, no worries. Plop the sdcard back in and just repeat the step where you booted it (and the screen was black). You don't need USB drivers working at that point (I think the reason for plugging in is to keep it powered). Just curious...which program did you use to create the image on your sdcard?

My guess is that either you need another sdcard, or simply re-imaging it will do the trick. Don't worry, you're almost there.

I know the look-from-wife you're describing. Mine said something about "talking to a lawyer today." :eek:

All I can say is WHEW!!!
Thank you sooo much Matt, I have to admit I was (just a little) worried there. To answer your questions, the start up writes Nook and then Color (in color!). The first time I used WinImage V8.50 and the second time I used Win32Diskimager. But what I actually think the issue was that I use the V1.00 img file the first time. I checked the time stamps and they were early Dec' whereas the second file I used had a time stamp of mid Dec'.
Having never done this before (No! Really? I hear you say :) ) I know I'll have more questions.
All I can say is WHEW!!!
Thank you sooo much Matt, I have to admit I was (just a little) worried there. To answer your questions, the start up writes Nook and then Color (in color!). The first time I used WinImage V8.50 and the second time I used Win32Diskimager. But what I actually think the issue was that I use the V1.00 img file the first time. I checked the time stamps and they were early Dec' whereas the second file I used had a time stamp of mid Dec'.
Having never done this before (No! Really? I hear you say :) ) I know I'll have more questions.
CONGRATULATIONS, you made it! Yeah, you hit the nail on the head: I'd recommend sticking with the newer img file, and Win32DiskImager. Please keep us posted on how it's going. I know it's pretty exciting, and you'll be thrilled to see all the apps you can run.

Just want to say that I am not a tech type person but I successfully rooted my NC on the first try!! Went through the directions twice before starting and then dove in, wasn't too bad. My NC is now a most amazing gadget, if you are in doubt on whether or not to complete the rooting process I day go for it!
Just want to say that I am not a tech type person but I successfully rooted my NC on the first try!! Went through the directions twice before starting and then dove in, wasn't too bad. My NC is now a most amazing gadget, if you are in doubt on whether or not to complete the rooting process I day go for it!
I wish people wouldn't post messages like this. I read them and want to respond, "SEE??? SEE?!?!?!? Anyone can do it!"

It's turning me into a pushy, obnoxious, abrasive person, and I wasn't that nice to begin with. :mad: My Nook is making me a monster.

Hell, I did it, and didn't even have the proper tools to do it properly!:cool:
Yeesh...alright fine. Sitting on the fence but now I am just going to jump in. My wife will kill me...but hey won't be the first (or last) time that I try to do some crap like this...example...iPod Touch jailbreak (she got me for birthday), guitar amp mods (she got me for something), Wii hack (bought the family for something)...and now the Nook (asked her what she thought about me rooting it...she was like yeah...let's not do that...) and here we go!
LOL. I swear I'm gonna do a poll about how many marriages this is endangering!
