Where are you getting games?


Sep 2, 2012
I wanted a Kindle Fire very badle and won a Pandigital 9" tablet and color e-reader in a drawing. I thougt I would give this a chance before I sell it and get a Kindle instead.

What site is everyone going to get their Android games? I use the app that came with my Pandigital 9" tablet and they are all and absolute joke. They are all games for Android phones and not my tablet.

I've had my sister look my tablet over and she says I basically have a "glorified e-reader" and it basically operates like a android phone with a 9" screen. I'm having a hard time believing this tablet can be so worthless. I understand it's not an IPad, but at the same time I thought it would at least be as decent as a Kindle Fire. I may try and pawn it off and put the money I get toward a Kindle Fire or a similar tablet that actually does stuff, plays decent games, and allows the video to rate better than "cheesy".

Does everyone else have the same complaints and problems? I'd really like to make this work for me.

Thank You for any feedback and suggestions!!!


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome to the forum

I would have to say that the majority of people get their games from the Google Play (Google Store) app. But some tablets don't have access to it, (what a shame). There is a site called Tablified that only displays games and apps optimized for tablets which may help as there are a ton of games that still don't do well on a tablet. There is also the Amazon Market, where they usually have a section for tablets suggested apps/games.


Sep 6, 2012
I think your views about Google Play are absolutely right.
Some time in Google Play we get games which are not compatible with tablets.

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