3.2 update = Mid September

Hopefully all. And just a little update, next amdroid big release is called Jelly Bean.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Was that specific to the 501, or all A500 series?

According to Acer Support it's 501 specific, but they have given me misinformation before concerning other Acer product.

Sent from my A501 using Android Tablet Forum
Was that specific to the 501, or all A500 series?

Well the 10th come and gone - no update - no surprise - Acer not very consistent and when called TS they gave me the usual line...... we have no knowledge of that at this time but if your scheduled for an update it will come up on your tablet as a notification..... this happened last time there was an update. Got to remember they are in INDIA in a room and basically are not told much if anything.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Yep i was waiting and looking forward to the update and then nothing....come one guys if you make a statement at least stick to it....I was hopign the update would make my tablet run a little better as it has been having some issue as of late
Correction. Acer support has now said this update is for all Iconia tablets.

Sent from my A501 using Android Tablet Forum
System update to v3.2 for my A500 came through an hour or so ago, and I'm now using build Acer_A500_7.004.03_COM_GEN1



PS. Nope, I still can't connect to my wireless router using WEP and a 26 character hex shared key. If I set my WEP to open system it still connects.
Acer never made an official statement.
One rogue employee posted something on a facebook page.

Nobody is even sure that guy is really an employee or if the Facebook page is really official.
We can be pretty sure he wasn't authorized to post anything.

No one from Acer headquarters has said anything.
I haven't had my Acer tablet that long, but my experiences with them haven't been good.

1. When I lodged my support request due to the lack of WEP shared key working, the first reply was an interrogation for information, half of which I'd already supplied. When I responded to that I was again interrogated for more information (such as name and address), again, without any reason provided for asking for it. My query was escalated to the next level - I've heard nothing from them in over 2 weeks.

2. During my explorations I found details for a $100 cashback offer, which according to the fine print would be in effect until the end of October, yet when I tried lodging my details they weren't recognised as being valid for any current offers. It was only by following a link provided on another store's website that I was taken to a different offer page, where I was able to lodge my cashback claim. Guess what. A week later when I tried to check the claim number I was given to see if they'd received my barcode cutout etc, I was told the voucher number didn't start with the right letter, so was invalid. So, back to the store's site again, followed that link, and then followed another link from there to check out a different redemption check screen which was able to provide the right status of my claim.

Moral of the story - I am coming to question whether Acer can even find their own arse with a compass, map and a mirror...


PS. It would seem that Acer in their "wisdom" decided that the cashback for Tablets needed its own page, hence the '&tablet=true' addition to the working cashback URL... not that the regular cashback site provided any information on that of course..


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Acer never made an official statement.
One rogue employee posted something on a facebook page.

Nobody is even sure that guy is really an employee or if the Facebook page is really official.
We can be pretty sure he wasn't authorized to post anything.

No one from Acer headquarters has said anything.
Icebike you need to change your ID to doubting Thomas.
Here is from the Acer Facebook page.
The official page with links to all their facebook pages.

[h=6]Dear fans, many of you asked for the release of the Honeycomb 3.2 update for Acer ICONIA TAB A500/A501. We’ve just received confirmation today that the update will start from mid of September to the end of the month depending on the product models and countries. We wanted to provide a stable and problem-free OS to our customers. Stay tuned. We will keep you posted![/h]
Except there is no proof that is Acer's official Facebook page, nor is there any proof this guy is authorized to post for Acer.

Acer is a Taiwanese company. This guy posts from Malaysia.
Except there is no proof that is Acer's official Facebook page, nor is there any proof this guy is authorized to post for Acer.

Acer is a Taiwanese company. This guy posts from Malaysia.

The FB page for Acer ANZ is for real. As proof of this I have brand spanking new Acer desktop he had arranged to replace a faulty one I had been dealing with for months. The 3.2 update is scheduled for end of September. I got that from not only the official Acer Facebook page but also from Acer Helpdesk. As for Acer being Taiwanese company, so what?

Sent from my A501 using Android Tablet Forum
Well.. lets just dot patiently until we get our update.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
We must all be patient and just wait till Acer has checked all it's bells and whistles, dotted all i's and crossed all t,s. This way we will be rewarded with a clean trouble free upgrade. Keep in mind, that Android 4.0 is the real cream upgrade that we are waiting for. We will see that event sooner then later. I think things are moving along at a fairly rapid pace, and it is kinda spoiling us and we are becoming inpatient. But none the less we expect a smooth trouble free upgrade!!!!