3G USB Modem

Sorry, maybe someone else can test this. The one we have at work is loaned out to someone at the moment.

However, I'm not sure it will work, since you'd needVZ Manager or somethink like that.

If you do not already have one and are looking at getting one, I'd suggest a MiFi Card:

Set Your Location

We have the one at the above link and it rocks!
How much. Hate that MI FI but I figured the USB stick wouldnt work. what a pain as i would have purchased the 4G USB Modem.

How much for the 3G Mi FI
Wifi tethered to my Nexus One. Awesome.
Then I tried Wired Tethering to Nexus One. The Acer never saw it - no drivers.
MIFI 3G from Verizon = free........... However it requires a 2 year contract; minimum plan plus multitude of added taxes about $1,000.
Rooted Droid2, using Wireless Tether app, is what I'm testing myself.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Tried wireless tether with my rooted d1 the a500 never lists the access point nor will it make use of the d1 as a wired internet connection :(

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
@HarshRealityIs the tablet set up to use an ad-hoc connection? Most are not.

Sent from my EM73_SIS_GC2M_V2 using Android Tablet Forum
I use Pdanet tablet to tether to my HTC Evo. Pdanet tablet is the whole name of the apk... not just pdanet.

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
AFAIK the 3G Usb modem doesn't work. It needs drivers. I use wireless tether

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
My Verizon USB 727 from Novotel is recognized by the tablet, led initially red then goes green and I see usbtty device in the /dev/ folder. So, it seems the USB port of the a500 can support the modem...question now is if there is drivers and propper ppp chap scripts to get it working.

Found this thread which I am following along and will post back if I have any success. I did find that I had to plug the usn dongle into my windows pc and connect to the com port of the modem via hyperterminal and run AT$NWAUTOINSTALL=0 and then AT$NWAUTOINSTALL? to verify that the usb drive capability is turned off...apparently linux/android OS doesn't like this and wants it to be "only" a modem.

[DEV] USB 3g for a500 wifi only - xda-developers