7" ZT-180 UPAD - Where do I belong?

Jun 22, 2011
Hey guys, so I recently bought a 7" UPAD from the link below. It has 1Ghz processor, 256MB RAM, 3800MA Li-Ion battery. It seems similar to a ZT180-701A UPAD but it's not quite the same. Here's the product page at McBub: http://eaturl.info/aszx

What sub-forum do I belong in? I've put together some good info for updating/tweaking/modding/understanding this tablet and I want to share the info! There's a huge flood of people that just purchased this tablet from a recent SlickDeal offer and I want to get the community rolling!

Thanks guys,
It's like the one that I get!!! you are on the right place if you are looking for help with your tablet...

I really like my tablet and I use it every day, multiple times in the day: when I get home from work to check my email and facebook (i can use my cellphone but browser is kind of limitated on the Motorola i1), then I check the news and weater when I am eating, listen music online before get ready for next day.
They have not made a separate sub-forum for the 7 inch tabs so I guess you are in the right place.

Zenithink only shows the 701A on their site and I think that when it is sold as the M7013 it is still the same tablet. The only difference I can find is maybe the battery size. The 701A is officially listed on their site as having a 2000 battery but I can find sites listing either number as having a 2000 or 2400 or 3000 or 3800 battery so site specs are hard to believe. The only way to know for sure would be to open it and see what the battery actually is.

My 701A cost me $110 with free shipping so the site you listed selling it as the M7013 at $135 + $30 shipping = $165 total, doesn't seem like that great a deal even if it might have a bigger battery. I use mine in a keyboard case and it is almost always connected to the charger so battery life is not a issue for me. Someone who always uses it on battery power might be willing to pay more if it was confirmed that the M7013 had a bigger battery.
They have not made a separate sub-forum for the 7 inch tabs so I guess you are in the right place.

Zenithink only shows the 701A on their site and I think that when it is sold as the M7013 it is still the same tablet. The only difference I can find is maybe the battery size. The 701A is officially listed on their site as having a 2000 battery but I can find sites listing either number as having a 2000 or 2400 or 3000 or 3800 battery so site specs are hard to believe. The only way to know for sure would be to open it and see what the battery actually is.

My 701A cost me $110 with free shipping so the site you listed selling it as the M7013 at $135 + $30 shipping = $165 total, doesn't seem like that great a deal even if it might have a bigger battery. I use mine in a keyboard case and it is almost always connected to the charger so battery life is not a issue for me. Someone who always uses it on battery power might be willing to pay more if it was confirmed that the M7013 had a bigger battery.

Well I didn't pay that price - I got a special deal I found on SlickDeals that was only $109.99 with a free leather case. I'll try to confirm it is a larger battery, I have a feeling there's "an app for that".

I had a feeling I Was in the right place - but I'd like to potentially create a thread for the ZT-180 7" models, but I assume I need permission to do so?
Hey PBB!!! I got the same upad from the slickdeals link to mcbub. Great lil tablet i love it. Still trying to figure alot out though. Is there any insight as to how we can disable the cell standby that sucks up the battery life. Ive been searching the forum and have found some info, but i am afraid to attempt to flash the system. I am a bit technically savy, but if i brick the system i am clueless. Anybody possibly got a solution for dummies so to say!!!??? That way i do not have to think hard when i try to do this after a long work day when my brain is the equivalent to jello. Also how do i delete some of these factory installed apps that i will not use. When i get to the file location and info, the unistall button is grayed out as not an option..... i want to delete skype, phone,talk,twitter, and facebook. They wont be used so why keep em using up space. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you in advance to everyone. ABC
Hey PBB!!! I got the same upad from the slickdeals link to mcbub. Great lil tablet i love it. Still trying to figure alot out though. Is there any insight as to how we can disable the cell standby that sucks up the battery life. Ive been searching the forum and have found some info, but i am afraid to attempt to flash the system. I am a bit technically savy, but if i brick the system i am clueless. Anybody possibly got a solution for dummies so to say!!!??? That way i do not have to think hard when i try to do this after a long work day when my brain is the equivalent to jello. Also how do i delete some of these factory installed apps that i will not use. When i get to the file location and info, the unistall button is grayed out as not an option..... i want to delete skype, phone,talk,twitter, and facebook. They wont be used so why keep em using up space. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you in advance to everyone. ABC

Hey man, yea I know how to remove Phone and Telephony apk's. I'm working on a Wiki writeup right now for the ZT-180 7". The next step is how to delete (rename) these two apps. I'll post that section here as soon as I finish it.
Awesome thank you soooooo much!! And hey i love your site dedicated to peanut butter and its deliciousness!!! I look forward to your solutions and advice, thank you again so much. ABC
Awesome thank you soooooo much!! And hey i love your site dedicated to peanut butter and its deliciousness!!! I look forward to your solutions and advice, thank you again so much. ABC

Haha thanks, I hope you enjoy it!

Here's the tutorial:

Rename/Delete Unused Applications and Processes

*You must be rooted to do this!

To decide whether to rename or delete, consider the following:

Rename (recommended) - If you just want to stop the processes from running and remove the apps from the full application list.
Delete - Only if you want to free up space and you're sure you don't need them (keep in mind, that these system apps only take up a few Megs).

1. Use a file explorer that supports Read/Write such as "Root Explore" (free, but didn't work for me) or "Root Explorer" (paid, but worth it) and navigate to the following directory:


2. Make sure at the top of the screen it says "Mounted as r/w". If it doesn't, click the button "Mount R/W".

3. Scroll down to the applications you want to rename or delete. Press and hold on the ".apk" file until a menu pops up. To rename, choose rename and rename the file (ex: "Phone.apk" -> "Phone.apk.bak"). If you're convinced to delete it, I suggest that you choose "move" and transfer it to an external SD card and save it on your computer. Otherwise, just click delete.

Apps that are confirmed NOT to crash the system if renamed:


*When you rename Phone.apk, you will get never-ending "Force Quit" messages from Android. Don't worry, just restart the device and it should be fine. Also, even if you delete Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk, "Phone" will still show up in your applications list.

Renaming Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk will supposedly increase battery life but so far this is unconfirmed.
Awesome thanks. I am going to attempt that in a few mins. I hope it will be sucessful. From what i've read in a few of the other areas i know i must have it plugged into the charger while i attempt this. I will let you know how it works. And worst case i can always hit the reset button right!!!!! ABC

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
PBB i got the app you reccomended and i am ready to attempt this. My only question is how do i get to root status. I know how to get into update mode but cannot figure out the root. I realized i was missing that when i tried to run the app and couldn't get into r/w mode. Laid on thebutton til the "doh" set in that i wasn't rooted. Its been a long stressful week my brain is fried. Thats when i went over the steps again and noticed i skipped one. I do hope this frees up the battery usage. Right now my battery usage measures at cell standby 78% , display 18% , wifi 11%. I know that equals 102% i am just as confused by it as you. Thanks again for your help. ABC

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
PBB i got the app you reccomended and i am ready to attempt this. My only question is how do i get to root status.

Right now my battery usage measures at cell standby 78% , display 18% , wifi 11%. I know that equals 102% i am just as confused by it as you. Thanks again for your help. ABC

Haha yes, that sounds quite confusing!

All you need to do is install Universal Androot 1.6.1 (make sure you download version 1.6.1!). Place the .apk file on to an external SD card, plug it into the tablet and turn it on. Then use an application like "AppInstaller" from the Market to install the application from the .apk file.

Then run the application, choose "Do Not Install SuperUser" from the drop-down menu and click root! Done! You can always download a program called "Root Check" from the Market to confirm that you are rooted!
Great write-up, PBB.

Now someone needs to dig into the software and figure out how to reduce the polling intervals for the Wi-Fi connection, as I'm sure that eats up unnecessary juice as well.

I'll be following this thread to see how people get along with this new info.