7024 blip - low memory, won't read SD, and won't reset

i have read many time s that there is a right way ( tool ) and then a wrong way ( tool ) to format the MicroHCsd cards. was i reading a bunch of balone or is there something to that ?

"SDFormatterv3.0.zip" ? ? ?

not all format tools are created equal :)
lfom - I've done all of those things, unfortunately, they haven't fixed the issue. :(

I've put in tickets to both Coby Customer Care and Technical Assistance, so we'll see what happens there. Talked to Amazon (fastest customer service I've ever had over the phone, and, yes, I think I got India), and they said to try Coby first, but if Coby won't honor their warranty, they've flagged my account to issue a full refund if/when I return the item. So that's a relief, so now I'm waiting on Coby, which of course is only an 8 to 5 call center. Honestly, I'd be completely happy with an exchange. I like the tablet.

At this point, after being back on the original firmware, I can see my external SD card fine, but the issue seems to be with the internal. Low space notification, the AppsLib (market is not on there anymore, of course) won't download anything because I apparently don't have enough space (despite it only being the factory apps and a cleared cache), and now FS File Explorer closes before it fully opens. I tested the SD card on another device, it's fine, so it's got to be the internal as someone else said.

Thanks for the suggestions!