9742 MBR problems and such post here.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
You assume the risk this or any modification could possibly brick your tablet

Ok from what I have read some of you guys have upside down screens, this usually can be fixed via MBR, aka bootloader.

You need adb setup and working if you have a filemanger that has root access this would be great.

anyway download bootloader files.


extract some where, on your sdcard would be nice. if you want to use file manger.

adb shell
mkdir /sdcard/na
mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /sdcard/na

if you placed the files on sdcard, and have file manger with root access, navigate file manger to /sdcard/na/ delete script0.bin and script.bin then navigate to /sdcard/na/linux and delete u-boot.bin.

then use file manager and copy the script0.bin and script.bin you downloaded to /sdcard/na/ and copy the u-boot.bin you download to /sdcard/na/linux you are just replacing 3 files.

if you want to do via adb you can skip the file manager stuff and just push the files.

adb push script0.bin /sdcard/na/

adb push script.bin /sdcard/na/

adb push u-boot.bin /sdcard/na/linux

in either case reboot.

Do not reboot until you have copied each of the 3 files to where they need to go, if using file manger do a dry run make sure you can find the files that need to be replaced, and where they go before doing anything.
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Hi vamp, thanks for the help.
Just another question (sorry):
Since I'm an windows user I don't know if the command line "mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /sdcard/na" could be replaced for any windows command. Those for adb I can reproduce.
I have downloaded Ubuntu, I'll try to configure adb and jdk.
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Hi vamp, thanks for the help.
Just another question (sorry):
Since I'm an windows user I don't know if the command line "mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /sdcard/na" could be replaced for any windows command. Those for adb I can reproduce.
I have downloaded Ubuntu, I'll try to configure adb and jdk.

You don't need Linux for the mount command, that is being done on the tablet itself through adb shell.
I did it, I have delete the old ones and copied the new ones. The sensor is not working now. Any Idea?
I did it, I have delete the old ones and copied the new ones. The sensor is not working now. Any Idea?

sensor? is your display correct now, or is it still upside down?
Yes, it's not suspose to you not work cause you have wrong boot.img and system installed, what we are working on here right now is display, can only fix one problem at a time.
How can we fix the problem with the boot.img? Before, the touchscreensensors were inverted, now they are not working. Th big problem here is the sensor, I think was was not clear. Sorry.
Should I try anything else to restore? Maybe use livesuite again...
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How can we fix the problem with the boot.img? Before, the touchscreensensors were inverted, now they are not working. Should I try anything else? Maybe use livesuite again...

Touch screen work before? touch screen work while display was upside down?
Touch screen work before? touch screen work while display was upside down?
Man, I really was not clear, I'm so sorry. The screen was always OK. The problem was with the touchscreen sensor, the axis were inverted. Left goes right, up goes down... (axis x and y inverted)
Man, I really was not clear, I'm so sorry. The screen was always OK. The problem was with the touchscreen sensor, the axis were inverted. Left goes right, up goes down... (axis x and y inverted)

ok just download below and extract, copy the u-boot.bin you download to /sdcard/na/linux then reboot.


adb shell
mkdir /sdcard/na
mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /sdcard/na

Just like first post but this time just one file.
ok just download below and extract, copy the u-boot.bin you download to /sdcard/na/linux then reboot.


adb shell
mkdir /sdcard/na
mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /sdcard/na

Just like first post but this time just one file.
Did it. Not working.
If I put the wrong rom again (old 9742) will it work (even if inverted axis)? Maybe it is the best solution by now...

I have A backup of the old files, I'll put them in their places again.
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Thanks, it is working again, with inverted axis unfortunately =(
Is the touchscreen problem related to boot.img? Can we overwrite only the boot.img content data in the tablet?
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Thanks, it is working again, with inverted axis unfortunately =(
Is the touchscreen problem related to boot.img? Can we overwrite only the boot.img content data in the tablet?

There seems to be many different problems going on with you 9742 guys, your only problem is inverted axis, while others have upside screens, and others have other problems, your problem has little to due with boot.img seeing you have touch screen, that's what the boot.img is doing, so you have correct boot.img.

looking at both boot.img the difference is insmod /system/vendor/modules/gt8110_2plus1.ko insmod /system/vendor/modules/gt2005-2015.ko, we could force load them on your tablet might fix the problem might not, problem is you might not know what to do if anything goes wrong, if anything goes wrong. if i had the tablet here I could fix it without any trouble, but trying to test and trouble shoot via second party is very hard.
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