D2Pad from Biglots, How to Backup and Install CW Recovery

I tried flashing myfishbear's 711 d2rom to my 911, and like you suggested switched the bootloader after flashing. However, the touch screen is not responsive. Any ideas why this would happen?
Thanks for the help.

try to replace /system/vendor/modules in there
I have a newer version of the D2 Pad - Model# D II_BK - S/N: 201210Bxxxxx series. My number one goal is to get CWM installed on it and do a backup before I clobber it completely by hacking all the junk out. Number 2 is to get the Google Play store installed, if that's even feasible. It was rooted out of the box, so that's not an issue. Custom ROMS? Sure, why not, but not a huge priority to me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Oh GOD!! And now I have managed to wipe the thing. Not totally bricked... yet. It will boot all the way to the desk top, but it is in Chinese and it says the internal storage is full. I can't install anything because of this, which means I can't get into the system folder... There goes $80 down the drain.

I can help, but I'm busy with school, give it a few days (or a week or two)

EDIT: I'll need help from another owner of one.
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I actually found a fix that seems to be working just fine. I installed the firmware for the 201209Bxxxxx model.

Update: I received a reply from D2 Pad regarding my request for firmware for the 201210Bxxxxx model:

"Dear Sir,

A D2 customer support staff has replied to your request, #931294 with the following response:

"Dear Sir,

You have installed the correct firmware update. The "09" update is for any DII_Pad's serial number that's greater than "09". So you are currently running with the proper version.

Best regards,
D2 Support Center."
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I have installed the CW recovery that is supposed to be for the D9. However, I'm unable to mount the necessary devices in order to do a backup or to install anything. Any ideas how to correct this? Thanks!
This should fix the sdcard mounts: recovery.img it's a dump of my recovery partition which works

Thanks rhg135! Trying this now - running a CWM Backup - so far so good.

EDIT 1: Yes - that file fixed the recovery for me. I was able to perform a backup successfully. I was also able to use the USB mount and access the SDCard from the recovery. This allowed me to copy the dRom- file to the sdcard. Now I am installing the dRom file. I'll report back in a while on that.
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I got TWRP built with all mounts working, but no touchscreen. I'll fix that and then upload it.
Hey all, I just got a d2 pad from biglots running android 4.1.1, the serialnumber is 201301, so it pretty new, as with everyone it does say rooted
However I cannot get it to show up when i list adb devices
I cannot use anything that says needs root
superuser crashes on startup, and doesnt show notifications when apps try to gain su access
Supersu just starts up, but nothing in it works


And here are some screenshots that I hope help


  • $Screenshot_2013-02-19-18-33-01.png
    20.9 KB · Views: 1,568
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Huh! The D2-721 is new- what are its specs? I see it's got Jelly Bean (4.1.1) vs ICS (4.0) on the D2-711 and DII-pad. Does it have 512MB DDR? How much internal storage?
Hey everyone I just got a d2pad d201209Bxxxxx and I'm have some huge difficulties and would really appreciate any help. I have cwr recovery installed and I tried to install dRom from my 2 different sd cards (sd and sdhc). Unfortunately, neither would install and I got an error (abort) when selecting the dRom zip file from my sd cards. I tried to do a reset from cwr but when I booted up i didn't have wifi access. I read on d2pad.info that the RESET button on the device being held down can help fix issues like wifi problems so I pressed it after getting "Obtaining IP address" over and over in wifi settings. I also tried to install the firmware from d2pad.info for d201209Bxxxxx but the "LiveSuite" software doesn't work when I try to hold Vol+ and tap power 10 times. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since right now everything works from factory reset except WiFi.

I also have the older DII d201209B tablet. I've been able to install both the CWM files in this thread and the Livesuite "factory ROM" from D2pad.info. The first time I tried the D2pad.info instructions, they didn't work. I read the instructions again and noticed the small **Note2 at the bottom of page 2. Once I followed those instructions, the factory ROM installed OK.

Good luck,

Yeah i've tried live suit to no evail my problem is the device is no longer rooted i can not instapp TWRP or re-try CWM does anyone know how i can Root this device? I tried SuperSU and Superuser apps installed via USB (i have no WiFi!) Any help would be great, seems like i am pretty screwed unless i can get root but i don't know how.

/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/install-recovery.sh: cannot execute - Permission
126|@android:/ # su
sh: /system/etc/mkshrc[8]: id: not found
@android:/ #

:( I'm stuck... no root access, seems like all the root tools are missing, can't run superSU, superuser, busybox, etc etc...i got a feeling thats why my WiFi isn't working either, because there is no root / and no "toolbox" it seems. Probably this is the reason the LiveSuit software wont automatically detect my device and start flashing it? I don't know, so stuck and confused, been working on this non stop for days but thinking i have to send it back and get a replacement if that's even possible.

Edit: I've tried a lot, recovery wont install from SD card says E: cant find /sdcard or something then it says (Bad). Also, I tried to sideload but adb returns this error after it gets to 100%: * failed to write data 'protocol fault (no status)' *
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Hello, I am trying to root my D2 Pad 912 with S/N: D201301BKxxxxx. I have been searching for a way to put CW Recovery on it. I understand that this is a fairly new tablet so if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. Also this tablet's touch screen keeps being unresponsive whenever it is turned off and turned back on. I have had to use the reset button almost everytime to get it operational again or haveing to turn it on and off at least 3-4 times before it responds. Thanks.
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Ok, so recently I bought a d2-912 and a d2-721, at 1st it was the 912, I liked it overall. but after some research, I see the 721 model had 1gb of ram and a 1.2ghz rockchip 2928 processor. Compared to the 912 models 512mb of ram, and a 1ghz allwinner processor. Im not sure, but I believe I read somewhere that the allwinner was a cortex A8. According to (D2Pad D2-912-BK vs D2Pad D2-721-BK Review » Tablet) Im not sure if thats Correct or Not, However, Bestbuy says the D2-912 has a Arm Cortex A8 (D2 Pad Tablet with 4GB Memory D2-912_BK - Best Buy) Are these chips made by the same company, As allwinner and ARM, I cant find anything about it, or perhaps im looking in the wrong places, Anyway, I already installed cw recovery on the d2-912, but havent gained successful root, yet. I did this before I decided to buy the D2-721, Then I bought it, but when I got home I was like what the Hack, lol. Where are the vol -/+ to get into cw recovery when installed. So I guess I would have to do this through adb, Or can I go the TWRP route, without having to use ADB. Ive rooted, flashed, used cw recov, and roms on plenty of devices, so I would say Im savy enough to work with the D2 pads, Just need a little help. Im gonna be returning 1 of these d2 pads just as soon as I decide which one is worth keeping. There both running JB 4.1.1 the (D2-721 / D201301025260) (D2-912 / D201301BK12027) Plz weigh in, and tell me which u would prefer, and Why? Yes, It matters to me, LOL...
I have a d2pad d2-711 on which ti ried to install the drom. I had used vampirefo. cwm recovery it states on the bottom vampirefos cwm recovery, now the problem is that it gives a error and does not install any of the zip files. I have tried via many microsd cards and downloading different files but the result is the same. I had erased system folder for the preparation to install the new rom so I cant boot back. I have already tried livesuit but it fails to recognize the device. I have followed all the instructions but still livesuit fails to recognize the device. I can not get access to adb shell so i can not try any other cwm recovery.